13- cahoots?

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Naomi's eyes squinted as the blinding light seeped through her closed eyelids. She groaned softly, her body stirring as she gradually became aware of her surroundings. With deliberate effort, she lifted herself up, her arms reaching out to her sides to aid the weight of her weary body. The room, once unfamiliar, was now drenched in a soft, ambient light. It took her a moment to comprehend her situation. She had been sleeping, but where was she?

Her fingers tightened around the fluffy blankets that enveloped her. She pulled them closer, seeking both warmth and comfort, as a cool breeze whispered through the room, causing the curtains to dance in gentle, ghostly movements. Curiosity piqued, she turned her head to gaze out of the window, her breath visible in the cold, dark night beyond. The world outside was silent, wrapped in the shroud of midnight, and she couldn't help but wonder how much time had passed during her slumber.

Mixed emotions swirled within her. On one hand, she dreaded the thought of causing a fuss, worrying the people who had taken care of her. On the other, there was a sense of relief, an elation that came from the knowledge of being safe and surrounded by the familiarity of her room.

Her room?

Her heart sank as reality settled in. This room was not hers. Her room was back in Helslip, miles away from this foreign town. The realization brought her shoulders slumping as a heavy sigh escaped her lips. With an exhausted groan, she leaned back against the headboard of the bed. Another shiver coursed through her, sending her seeking refuge beneath the warm blankets.

She glared at the open window across the room, the source of the chilling breeze. However, she lacked the energy to muster the strength to get up and close it. Weariness hung on her like a heavy cloak. She closed her eyes, her head resting against the padded headboard. In that moment of stillness, her hand brushed against her chest, coming into contact with a soft, fluffy fabric. She began to rub it gently, her brows furrowing in confusion.

The door creaked open, and Agatha's warm, concerned eyes locked onto Naomi's. A soft, reassuring smile curled at the corners of Agatha's lips. Naomi breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that it wasn't Anthony who had entered. "Finally, you're awake," Agatha's voice held a note of genuine relief. "You've been asleep all night long."

Agatha entered the room, bearing a plate of food. Even though Naomi couldn't see its contents, the aroma wafting from the dish filled the room, teasing her senses and making her mouth water. She sat up, perched on the edge of the bed, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Agatha?"

The question lingered in the air, carrying an undercurrent of uncertainty. "Are you the one who dressed me?"

Agatha looked up at Naomi, her gaze catching the worry in Naomi's eyes. In response, Agatha smiled, her eyes holding a warmth that seemed to soothe Naomi's unease. She reached over and gently took Naomi's hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze. "Yes, my dear. I am the one who dressed you. I wouldn't allow Anthony to see you in disarray." Her hand moved to rest on Naomi's cheek, offering a reassuring touch. "Don't worry. You're in safe hands."

Naomi nodded in gratitude, her own smile emerging in response. "Thank you."

Agatha's demeanor shifted slightly, and she gently urged Naomi, "Now, please, eat your food quickly. It's almost middle night."

At the mention of 'middle night,' Naomi's attention snapped to Agatha, her eyes wide with curiosity and a touch of apprehension. "What do you mean?" Her voice quivered with uncertainty, and a bead of sweat formed on the back of her neck.

Agatha's expression changed, a hint of sadness and concern darkening her gaze. "Anganaa hasn't spoken to you?"

Naomi's breath hitched, and a tremor of fear touched her voice. "W-what?" Her jaw dropped in astonishment. "You know about Anganaa?"

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