2 - nowhere to run

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Naomi sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her, tears blurring her vision, her heart racing in her chest. Sweat dripped down her face, and her breath came in ragged gasps. She finally understood the phrase "run for your life" - it was exactly what she was doing.

One of her pursuers yelled, "You idiot, stop running!" Naomi's thoughts were incredulous: "Are you kidding me?" If she weren't fighting for her life, she would have laughed at the absurdity. Instead, his foolish command spurred her to run faster. She didn't dare look back, fearing it would break her momentum.

Exhaustion began to creep in, her legs weakening. She knew she couldn't outrun her pursuers - they seemed experienced in chasing women. So, she decided to outsmart them. Familiar with the town, she tried to get her bearings, but everything looked the same. Trees of all shapes and sizes surrounded her, their towering heights seeming to touch the sky.

Naomi took a risky pause, turning around to scan her surroundings. All she saw were more trees, and a sense of relief washed over her - she was alone. Or so she thought. The unsettling sounds she heard were unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. It was as if the forest itself was watching her, the silence oppressive and unnatural.

As darkness fell, the trees seemed to swallow the sky, and Naomi considered backtracking. But she had no idea which direction to go, and the thought of facing her pursuers again terrified her. A strong gust of wind swept through, rustling leaves and carrying an eerie melody that sent shivers down her spine. The tune was slow and sensual, like a lullaby, but Naomi's fear instincts kicked in. She sensed a trap, a ploy to lull her into a false sense of security. The melody persisted, weaving through the wind and leaves, but Naomi resisted its soothing quality. Suddenly, it stopped. The silence was oppressive, and Naomi's heart raced as she scanned her surroundings. She saw nothing but darkness, yet felt the weight of unseen eyes upon her. The air was heavy with tension, and she could feel a presence watching her, waiting to strike.

A snapped twig shattered the silence, and Naomi's instincts took over as she ran for her life. She had no clue why she was running or who she was running from or where in heavens name she was running to but all she knew was that she was running and that was good enough for her. Hope flickered when she saw the road, but it dwindled as she realized the desolation around her. The road was empty, with no signs of life or potential rescue.

Despite her desperation, Naomi refused to give up. Lost and shivering in the cold, she berated herself for not bringing a jacket, but regret would only lead to despair. She yearned to cry out to the heavens, wondering what she had done to deserve this fate. All she wanted was to be safe in her bed, wrapped in her blanket, and lost in the world of dreams. The hard cement floor she slept on every night suddenly seemed like a luxury compared to this desolate reality. She'd trade anything for a sore back and a sense of security.

Naomi walked aimlessly, her eyes darting around frantically, searching for potential dangers. She struggled to control her breathing, trying to convince herself that everything would be okay, but her heart doubted her words. Hours passed, and her paranoia grew. Every shadow, sound, and movement seemed like a threat. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she fiercely rubbed them away, refusing to give in to weakness. Tears wouldn't save her now; only her determination and wit could get her back home.

Naomi's thoughts drifted to her brother, Chris, her protector and comforter. If he were here, James wouldn't have dared to mistreat her, and her parents wouldn't have thrown her out of the house. Chris was her shield, always there to defend and support her. In Helspin, women were marginalized, their value only recognized after marriage and childbearing, specifically sons. Barren women were ridiculed, blamed for their childlessness, even if it was the man's fault. Chris, the family's pride and joy, was the heir to the family name, while Naomi was just a disposable woman. After Chris left, her parents' resentment towards her grew, questioning why she couldn't be a man. Naomi couldn't fathom this thinking; without women, there would be no children, no future. Women were the backbone of society, and she knew they were just as important as men, maybe even more so.

As she walked, Naomi's thoughts were interrupted by a suspicious movement in the corner of her eye. Her heart raced, and her pace quickened, fear gripping her. The rustling leaves and snapping twig seemed ominous, and she braced herself for the unknown.

Footsteps closed in, and Naomi prepared to run, but her legs felt heavy, her body slow to respond. A hand clamped down on her arm, the grip like a vice. She spun around to face a disheveled blonde man, his eyes devoid of life, his smirk sinister. "Oh baby, you led me on a wild chase. That's not fair," he slurred, his breath reeking of alcohol. Naomi's eyes widened in terror as she tried to shake him off, but he held tight. She stomped on his foot, and he yelped in pain, releasing his grip. She sprinted away, but her ankle was yanked back, sending her crashing to the ground. She scraped her knees and elbows, her leg dragged against the concrete. As she turned to kick her attacker, her gaze froze on the gang of men who had chased her earlier. They loomed over her, their eyes gleaming with a hungry ferocity, their knowing glances exchanging a sinister intent. Naomi's heart raced, her breath caught in her throat, as she realized she was trapped.

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