12 - the woman behind the veil

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Slowly she pulled the dress down, adjusting it as she gazed at herself in the mirror. She then placed her hand under the running water, enjoying the cool liquid run inbetween her fingers.

Naomi heard feminine footsteps nearing the restroom and she scurried to finish so that she could leave. The door opened with a light creak and Naomi raised her head to look at who had entered regretting her actions instantly.

The woman walked up to Naomi and stood beside her bringing her attention on the mirror. Their eyes connected in the mirrors. Her black ebony eyes seem to drill themselves into Naomi's. Naomi forced a smile on her face but her lips quivered. 

She turned to leave refusing to embarass herself more than she already did "Ms Johnson?" The woman's tone was soft and smooth and Naomi found another reason to envy her. She had the voice of an angel.

Naomi's brows furrowed "Why do you call me that?"

The woman seemed confused as she looked at Naomi in the mirror "Uhm Anthony had referred to you as Ms Johnson so I just assumed..."
Naomi froze realising that what the woman spoke was true. Anthony had referred to her as Ms Johnson. How did he know her surname? She didn't remember telling him about it, so how did he know? She sighed refusing to let her thoughts get the best of her. She placed a smile on her face "It's ok. You don't have to call me Ms Johnson. Just call me Naomi"

The woman nodded, turning around in order to be face to face with Naomi "Does he treat you well?" She inquired

Naomi, shocked at her question gazed at her "Who?"

"Anthony." She clarified "Does Anthony treat you well?"

Naomi was taken aback by the question and her brain didn't have enough time to process it she just said the first thing that came mind "Uhmm y-yes. He treats me well"

The woman nodded again "Have you done the deed with him?"

Naomi's brows furrowed "The deed? How do you...?" Her mouth widened as realisation set in, she felt her cheeks warm up "No. What. No. Never. What?! Why would I...? No. No I would never do that with him"

The woman gazed at Naomi with hooded eyes, her emotions hidden behind the thin orange fabric "Why wouldn't you? Aren't you two together"

Naomi shook her head rapidly "No. We aren't together. We..." Naomi froze realising what she had just said.

The woman's brow rose, amused as colour drained from Naomi's cheeks "Anthony said you were his girlfriend and you were beside him while he said it. I refuse to believe that you are deaf"

"Uhmm" Naomi gulped as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other "We. I.." Naomi huffed "Please don't tell anyone about this, but ..." she sighed "Anthony told me to lie about being his girlfriend" she felt her cheeks burn up as shame overcame her, she wanted the ground to just swallow her up, take her anywhere but here. The woman peered at Naomi before nodding, Naomi wondered whether there was a smile hidden behind that fabric.

An awkward silence grew in the air. Naomi was confused as whether their conversation was over. Would it be rude if she just walked out. "I want to help you escape" the woman said casually

"Escape from what?"

"Not from what. But from who"

Naomi blinked "How do you mean?"

"I want to help you escape from Anthony"

Naomi's jaw dropped "How do you mean?"

"I know his keeping you here by force. I want to help you escape."

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