8 - strangers are friends we've never met

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Anthony strolled into Naomi's room stopping on his tracks as she shrieked "Anthony!" He heard her scream

"What?!" he yelled, his brows furrowed, eyes moving frantically around the room.

"You can't just walk in like that couldn't you knock?" She inquired, clutching the towel to her as droplets fell from her hair onto her ankle.

His brow rose, bewildered at her words "Excuse me?"

"You should have knocked!" She repeated, a tinge of red appearing on her cheeks.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He snapped. Fire blazed in his eyes as he glared at her "Last time I checked this is my house"

"Yes. But this is my room"

"If I burn this house down your room will slowly but surely go down with it! Never in your entire life do you speak to me like that again!" He yelled, as he grit his jaw taking a step towards her.

She took a step back. His eyes left her face and landed on the towel wrapped around her, and he rolled his eyes

"What do you think you're trying to hide I've seen way better than that" His words were cold and as she looked up at him so were his eyes. She didn't recognize the man that stood before her.

Taken aback by his words, she clutched tighter onto her towel taking another step backwards trying to maintain a good distance between them.

His eyes were too intense to stare into. They were not the normal green eyes that she was accustomed to. It seemed as if they'd once been concealed, camouflaged and now they were a dangerous pigment of green. They were not the same peaceful green eyes she was used to they They scared her, tormented her, revealing things that she wasn't brave enough to uncover, unspoken secrets that she knew would haunt her for nights to come. They were not the same, it was if they were once hidden and had now been uncovered with blatant defeat she dropped her gaze to the floor.

"Can you please just leave. I just want to dress up. Please" she whispered, her voice cracking in the process she blinked the tears away refusing to allow them escape. She had no clue whether the tears were from frustration or just plain sadness.

Why could she never find sincere people that truly cared for her. Why was she treated badly by everyone around her. Why did people have to be so fake? Could they not just reveal their true selves from the beginning what was the point in lying. Why couldn't she encounter a sincere human being at least just once in her life.

Naomi missed Anastasia, her best friend from Helslip, they had been together through thick and thin; two peas in a pod. Anastasia was the only person who was actually really sincere and true the rest were all wolves in sheep clothing. Naomi missed Anastasia's hugs, the arms of her best friend were like cocoons hiding and shielding her from the dangers of the world she would trade anything to be in Anastasia's warm embrace.

Anywhere but here.

The treacherous tear dropped from her lid's, she did nothing to fight it away, allowed it pour down her cheeks.

In an instant is fingers were on her face, his thumb wiping away the tear that had escaped. "Don't cry, Mon Amour" she felt him press a gentle kiss to her lips.

She flinched back, a whimper escaping her as her legs bumped into the edge of the bed.

Anthony groaned as he stepped back. He turned his back to her as he ran his hand through his hair. Squeezing his eyes shut as he paced back and forth.

He paced the room, his nose flaring. Then he turned to stare at her "Why do you always do that? Every time I try to get close to you, you move away from me. What is the matter with you?"

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