Chapter 7 - A dream

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Her soft voice filled my ears, except it didn't feel like I was hearing it with my ears.
Marina, darling, wake up. I could hear her but I couldn't see a thing.

"Hello, mum." A tired smile plastered my face. "Oh, how we haven't talked in so long."
Yeah. Her voice was like a loud whisper, as if she were speaking inside of my head.

I opened my eyes but could see nothing. It was so dark, as if I never even opened my eyes.

"Mum, why can't I see?" My voice echoed as if I were in an empty room or hallway.
I-I don't know. She stuttered.

"Where are you?" I desperately felt around the room I was in, searching for a wall, a hand, a table. Something. Anything.

I'm not here, Marina. Her tone was flat, in a sad way.

How could she not be here? I heard her, she has to be around here somewhere. "Mum?" My fingertips hit the cold, smooth, concrete wall. "Mum?" I called out, louder this time.

I walked along side the wall, my fingers brushing over cracks in the stone. Step after cautious step I continued forward. Not that long into my trail I stopped, my waist hitting something. I bent forward feeling whatever it was, finding that is was also stone. I crawled onto it and felt around for a window or a door.

My fingers came into contact with a rough square of wood. I pushed on whatever it was to open it. It didn't budge. I tried pulling the wood. No movement. I knocked on the middle of the pane, earning a hollow sound indicating there's an opening behind it.

I backed off and sat with my back against the wall. I inhaled the musty air as hard as I could without completely losing my mind. I feel stuck. How did I even get here in the first place? I thought I was home with someone. With...with that girl. I can't remember her name.

I pushed against the wood again, pounded at it with my fists, kicked as hard as I could with my feet. It seemed as though it'd never give in. It seemed as if it wanted me to give in first. Whoever put me here, they put me here to give up. I couldn't do that, not with my mum somewhere out there. Not with that girl somewhere alone. I had to find them.

I tried again, pressing my back against the cold wall opposite of the wood. I placed my feet in the position I wanted them to hit, tapping lightly to make sure the sound was still hollow. I kicked and kicked and kicked, a cracking sound echoed throughout the room. Shivers crawled up my spine and happiness coated my heart as a bead of sweat rolled down my face. It was breaking. I continued to kick at the weakened wood, feeling it slowly giving in under my pressure. And then it was engulfed in a blinding white light.

My first reaction was to roll off of the stone ledge, because the light seemed as if it were fire. I hit the rock floor pretty hard, the wind being knocked out of my lungs. The light illuminated most of the room, proving my theories of it being empty.

I slowly peeked over the edge and stuck my hand out. The bright rays felt hot against my skin. I couldn't stand out there in the scorching heat, I'd surely die.

You'd also die if you didn't. My dad's voice filled my ears. I turn quickly to see nothing, no one. "Dad?" I called out desperately searching for someone I could hold onto.

Stop talking to yourself and get out there. And don't look for me or your mother, we're not here.
"What do you mean you're not here? I can hear you dammit." I disobeyed his first order and continued shouting questions in frustration.
You know what happened to us, we're not coming back. Now go.

"Dad, wait. I don't know what happened to you. I-I thought you were still in Greece and Mum in Wales?"
What was he talking about, they're not coming back? What the hell is going on.
Stop thinking Marina and just do. You'll be stuck in this place forever if that head of yours full of explanations and questions keeps spinning.
"I can't stop thinking. What do you mean you're not coming back? Answer me Dad."
Marina, love, that information will just make you want to give up. I cannot tell you and crush your big beautiful heart.

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