Ch.6 Day 3 I Like You

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(Y/n's pov)

After I chisel my name into the wall I back up and look at it. I place my hand on the wall and close my eyes feeling calm and relieved. With my eyes still closed I dragged my fingertips over the wall guessing the names my fingers are on. Then for getting Newt was beside me, my finger came across his name.
"N-e-w-...t, Newt," I say with a smile.
"I like Newt." I open my eyes and put my head against the wall my hand still on the wall as well. I stand up and look over my shoulder and see Newt smiling and great smile and he's blushing a little bit. I turn red my heart racing and butterflies in my stomach
"You like me, princess." He says grinning. I look down not knowing what to do. Then he hugs me tighter than he has before.
"Can I go back to sleep now?" I asked in a tired voice.
I yawn "yes you can."
I was about to walk back to the room but then Newt picks me up. One hand under my knees and the other on my back. I giggle just a bit Newt says
"Princess you are lighter than a bloody feather."
"I am?"
"Yes, you are princess I could do this all day." He smiles and looks down at me.

We're back in the room and Newt sets me down on the bed and I roll over to fall asleep Newt goes to leave the room "Where are you going?" I asked curiously
"Imma go get the stuff for the runners to send them into the maze."
"Okay, tell Minho I said hi." I smile
"Okay princess I will." he leaves.

I start to think about Newt and about what I said earlier. Did I actually say I like him out loud? I did not even know he was still there oh my gosh I am a fool. What if he doesn't like me back? I fall asleep.

I heard Newt walk in and say "Y/n it's time for breakfast."
I wake up.
"Come on princess." I stand up and hug Newt. He hugs me back. I let go and grab his sleeve with two fingers. We make our way to get our breakfast but as soon as me and Newt walk in everyone goes quiet and then everyone starts cheering. Me and Newt look at each other confused we get our food from frypan and he says
"Congrats, Newt and pretty lady."
Newt gets jealous "Congrats for what?" You ask.
"Well someone was awake when you took Y/n to put her name on the wall and someone heard Y/n say she likes you after she said she liked you, you hugged her so congrats Newt and pretty lady."
"Well turns out it was not a dream," I say embarrassed. We go sit down and Winston said
"So Y/n and Newt." Me and Newt don't answer
"Congrats man."
"Thanks, man I guess." Newt says "Princess are you ready for your next job?"
"I don't know," I say in a tired voice and put my head on Newts shoulder as we both blush.

After breakfast, I walk over to Galley to start my second job which is Builder.
Galley says "All right girl you ready to start your second job?"
I reply with "I don't know actually cuz slicers were hard for me so I don't know how this is going to go."
"Come on ill make sure you don't get hurt."
"Fine but what do we have to do first?"
"Get all the stuff we need so like wood we can get and you go get the vine and all."
"Where do I get the vine from," I asked in a half-awake voice.
"Over in the wood on trees and make sure you will be ok cuz there is steep parts in the woods and I well, we didn't want you to get hurt."
"Ok will do, and thank you for being a bloody good soul."
"No problem. You're a delicate flower to all of us in the Glade and we just want to make sure you're alright especially since you're the only girl."
"Imma go get the vines now. Later Shank." I said with a laugh.
"Did she just call me shank?" he asks someone
"She sure did."
Galley calls me and yells "Y/n, You're the shank." he laughs loudly which makes me laugh even more.

I walk through the woods roaming and looking through the trees I find some Vine and I get it, but I'm tired so I made a small chair. I sit down and I rest there for at least five or more minutes. I get up found a lot more Vine and then I walk back to the glade with it all. I take it and sets it down beside all of the wood that the boys has collected while I was gone.
I ask "What are we building?"
Galley said "You will see."
He takes me behind Newt's room and says "Weare building your room behind Newt's room. we all know you like him, so what we are going to do is make a door in Newts room and make a hall connecting yours and his room and you will have a door for the hall to and your shower will be in your room with a door because your a girl."
"That sounds good for me."
"first we mack a door in Newts room. Then the structure of your room the bath room and the hall then we build the rest."
"ok." I say excitedly
At lunch time we got my room built all the way and all we have to do is build the hall and the shower and the doors then it will be complete.

I get my food and go sit down next to Newt and Galley sat on the other side of me.
Newt asked "How is being a builder?"
Gally said "I think she was made for it because she was doing better than me. Did you like the job flower?"
I look at Galley and said "I liked it, it was fun but I'm exhausted, and why the name flower?"
"I told you why earlier."
"Oh ok now I get it."

After lunch all the boys go back to work and I sit down for a while just to rest but then I get really bored and I want to go back to work. So I go back to Galley and say
"I want to finish building this with y'all today." all the boys looked at Galley and then at me and Gally asks
"Are you sure"
I say "Yes I'm sure and I would like to finish building it with you all today because it was fun and I liked it and I kind of need a room" I laugh.
Galley said "Ok Flowr get over here and help build the hall."
I smile and say "Yay".

I finished building the hall faster than anybody thought I could. Some of the boys look at me confused and surprised and Galley says
"Good work flower you're better at this job than anyone else we would take you in and would appreciate it if you was a builder because it's utterly amazing at how you can build faster than me and I was here longer than all of these shanks." I laugh.
"I better go get my shower when I get out I'll be in Newts room if you need any help." I say sarcastically.
"Bye flower."
"Bye guys."
I go to the showers.

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