I'm setting you free

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I had been stuck in that damn medical bay for two days. Clarke wouldn't let me leave, she was convinced I would pull my stitches. It was worse than the torture Lexa put me through, at least then I didn't have to pretend like I wasn't useless. I didn't get to help with the camp, I didn't get to bring the food or help with the sick people. I wanted to feel useful again, I didn't want to lay around with injuries, even if Clarke was here.

But she wouldn't let me go.

"Clarke I don't want to sit around, I want to help out around camp," I whined. I did whine a lot when I was sick, but I was allowed. I don't whine at all when I was okay, "I was gone for two weeks, I miss my people."

Clarke glared at me, "no. It's been two days since your fever broke. You can barely stand on your own. You're staying here until I say so. If you really want to see them I can give them each a time to come see you."

I sighed, shaking my head. I didn't want to lose the time we had here together. I liked having her all to myself, "such a dictator."

She nodded her head, "yes I am. After losing you for two weeks I'm not letting you out of this room until you're completely better."

I smiled despite her claim. I knew she cared about me, even if she wasn't ready to admit it. I could see it in her eyes when I woke up. I could hear it in her voice as she scolded me. She had been more than worried about me.

Yesterday Harper came in claiming she didn't feel well. Clarke abandoned me to look her over, I felt a stab of jealousy now that we were alone. She was dividing her time, I wasn't her only patient and I didn't like that. I watched her put her hands on Harper's forehead, thinking about to when she was trying to break my fever. I wanted her to fret over me the way she had when I had gotten back to the came.

Clarke smiled at me as she came back over and ran her hand down my arm. All the stuff she needed was beside me. Harper's eyes were closed, I smiled as I propped myself up on the pillows. She might not let me leave, but she let me sit up. That was a baby step I suppose. I winced as I put my hand against my stomach.

She started to turn away from me, my heart dropped. She wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I reached for her hand before she could get too far, "hey where are you going?"

"To check on Harper selfish," she said as I closed my fingers around her wrist. Her blue eyes were wide as my warm hand set fire to both of us. I knew that fire was there for a reason, I knew that spark wasn't just because we had once hated each other.

I shook my head and stuck out my bottom lip, "it hurts. I need you to check it."

She laughed, "Bellamy Blake I just changed your bandage. I swear I've never seen you act like such a baby," she laced her fingers through mine, "if you want me to sit with you, just ask."

I bit my lip as she ran her fingers through my hair. I loved when she did that, the tips of her fingers brushing against my skin, "will you sit with me? Please?"

Clarke smiled and it was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, "yes," Harper was asleep, she didn't need Clarke the way I did, "God who would've thought Bellamy was such a baby when he got hurt? I swear."

I gave her a smile, "only for you princess."

Clarke sat down beside me and I kept her hand in mine. She was quiet, her blue eyes searching the air for something to fill the silence, "when Jasper walked back into camp without you I almost lost it. I guess I understand how broken you felt when I walked away. I couldn't imagine being here without you, I couldn't think about a camp without you, our fearless leader."

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