The night we couldn't quiet forget

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The silence surrounded me again as I woke up, but this time it wasn't unnerving. I was sweating, my pillow was harder than I remembered it to be. When I opened my eyes I saw Bellamy's tan chest, my heart stopping. His arm was holding me against him, my head using his pillow as a chest. My heart stopped as I started to panic. Except it was my mind that was panicking, my body was perfectly content with the situation at hand.

His eyes were still closed, his other hand rested on his chest. He looked so peaceful, all the pain was gone from his face. He looked more like the boy who had come down here with us, except there were less demons he was hiding. I reached to push his hair out of his face, wondering if I should change the bandage.

"Watching me sleep princess?" his voice was always deep, but it was even sexier than before when it was laced with sleep. I never realized how intoxicating he was until they very moment. Or else I had been fighting it for a long time.

I pushed his shoulder, his eyes still closed, "no. I was going to be a doctor and make sure you didn't pull your stitches last night."

He laughed as he opened his eyes and looked at me, "I think I'd rather just stay here a little while longer."

I started to sit up, but Bellamy's hands caught me. At first I was surprised, his warm palm settled on my hip and I didn't immediately shake it off. It was a reminder of last night, the way he held me close to him as he slept. Somehow I had become a source of comfort for him, the same way he was for me. I took in a deep breath, until I got too comfortable. Then he laughed, his fingers digging into my sides.

I gasped, jumping up as he tickled me. My real weakness was being too ticklish, the laughter bubbling up in my throat as I tired to push him away. He wouldn't move, he was enjoying this as I flailed around, trying to get away from his grip. He was too strong, even if he was still half asleep.

"Bellamy stop!" I laughed as his arms held me, his hands tickling my sides, "seriously you're going to pull your stitches."

He didn't stop tickling me, my legs kicking out. He was the only one who knew how incredibly ticklish I was, something I hated he found out about. He squeezed my hip, just as my knee rammed into his stomach. He stopped, the smile fading as he lost air.

"Ouch," he winced as I sat up, putting my hand against his chest.

"I'm sorry!" I squealed as he repositioned himself, "in my defense I warned you."

His eyes were half closed as he nodded, "yes, yes you did."

I pushed away the blanket, "let me check your stitches. I should change the bandage."

He mumbled something about me always being in doctor mode as he moved so I could see the white cloth. I noticed now that he still wasn't wearing a shirt, I bit my lip as the realization crossed my mind. He was still so handsome.

He was still Bellamy. I was still Clarke. Nothing had changed that.

"You bled," I grabbed a cloth and cleaned the wound, "you probably rolled around."

"Bad dream," he whispered watching my hands clean the dried blood off his tan skin.

Now I remembered him pulling me into his chest, my name falling off his tongue as he held me close. He shook, the same way he had before he woke up in the medbay. He was dreaming, about me or the grounders. Or maybe both. Either way when I pressed my face into his neck, he calmed down. He kissed my cheek, still asleep, and I anchored him back here to me.

I didn't say anything as I finished dabbing the angry wound and then put a new cloth over it. Bellamy winced as I pressed it harder than I should have, "sorry," I whispered, my fingers grazing over his.

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