Chapter 10: Movies??

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Rocky's POV

I just want her to be happy. I can't stand the thought of her being with anyone else besides me, but if she likes Ryland then well...she'll be with Ry. So we're back at the house and Izzy, Shy, and Kat are staying the night. It turns out they've lived a few blocks down the road for three years and they didn't even know. Wow OK...

Forgot to tell u how old we we're. Izzy: 19 ~ Chloe: 22 ~ Kat: 21 ~ Rocky: 20 ~ Riker: 23 ~ Ross: 19 ~ Ell: 22 ~ Rydel: 22 ~ Ryland: 18

We decided on just watching a movie, but first we were getting snacks and candy. She was flirting with me and Ryland so I don't think he's asked her out yet bc she wouldn't be flirting with both.

Ross's POV

I don't know why Kat won't just choose. I am so confused is she dating Ry or Rocky? I think I'm going to talk to her if she doesn't fall asleep. We put in Pitch Perfect 2 which honestly I didn't really want to watch but I will anyway. Izzy came and sat by me on the couch. She watched the movie while I daydreamed of her being mine. I sat and just thought until I felt her move. She was asleep but she was adjusting. I simply moved her so that her head was on my chest and she fell back to sleep. I looked around the room to try and see if Katelyn was still awake so I could talk to her. The movie was over, and the theme song continued to play. It was giving me a headache so I turned it off. As soon as I sat back down I heard someone say, "Ross?" It was Rocky.
"Yes Rocky?" I said back. He was all the way on the other side of the room, so I got up and walked over to him. "I wanna talk to you." He said when I finally got over there. I noticed that Kat was asleep on him. The fuck??! This girl is so confusing. "Alright come up to the roof when you can get sleeping beauty off of u." I chuckled. And I walked up to the roof to see that it was pitch black outside and I had a perfect view of the moon. I pulled out my phone and took a picture and tweeted it.

@rossr5: Beautiful view from the roof of the band house..still wishing I was with @X0Shor0X. Love u.
~end of tweet~

I slowly fell asleep before I was awoken by a crying Rocky. "Beautiful view right?" He said with tears in his eyes. "Dude are u okay? Ur freaking crying." I said noticing his heavy breathing and sniffles. "Its Katelyn, Ross. She's going after Ryland, and me I'm confused. I can not stand the thought of her being with Ryland. I Mean I know he'd be good to her and stuff like that, but I just always imagined her being mine so the thought of her being with Ry fucks it all up." I spilled my heart out to Ross. "Bro, she likes u I know she does. If she ends up with Ryland'll end sooner rather than later. Ryland isn't her type u r, and plus she liked u first. Im hoping I'll get to talk to her so I know the truth, but for now keep your chin up." I replied.

Kats POV

I woke up and realized that Rocky had moved from underneath me. I assumed he went to the bathroom and went into his bedroom to go to bed. I decided to wake up Ryland bc I needed someone to talk to. "Ry...Ryland?" I stammered slightly shaking him. "Mhmmmm..." he answered still half asleep. "Can u walk up to the roof with me so we can talk?" When I said this he shot up off the couch. "Lets go." He said already half way up the stairs. We got to the roof and sat for a little bit. I noticed that we had a perfect view of the stars so I took my phone out and took a picture then tweeted it along with a selfie of me and Ry. (He kissed me on the cheek in the pic BTW)
@RockysGurl_R5: Watching the stars with this hottie...@rylandr5.
~end of tweet~

"Hey...can I ask u something?" Ryland asked as soon as I put down my phone. "Ya.............." I dragged the a out. "" he stammered. "Ry spit it out." I chuckled. "Fine, fine, fine. Will u do the honor of being my girlfriend??" He his his face right after asking. "Ry....i-" I was cut off when he kissed me. "Its okay if you don't want to right now." He said after pulling away. We sat and just shared a moment. "Shh..." Ryland said. "Why?" I whispered. "Just Shh." He repeated. Thats when I heard it. Someone was on the other side of the roof. We walked over to find Ross on his phone. Just then my phone went off.
~text convo~
R: why?
K: what do u mean?
R: check your twitter.
~end of text convo~

I closed my messaging and opened twitter.
@rossr5: Oh I see Rocky has some competition. *URL* (there was a pic of me and Ry kissing) ~end of tweet ~

~text convo~
K: you saw that...
R: Ya, so u wanna explain
K: Im sorry Rocky he kissed me first.
R: Ur dating now?
K: No.
~end of text convo~

Ooo drama. She kissed Ry but isn't dating him. Whats Rocky gonna do? Hope u like.

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