Chapter 13: Why Him?

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I figured out a ship name for me and Ry if I end up dating him. Kyland. So ship it, don't. U can also ship Izzy. Haven't updated in a while hope u like it as much as I do. The pic, if u don't know R5, is Rocky Mark Lynch.

Rylands POV

They made me sit across from Rocky. I tried to leave, but it turns out it wasn't a coincidence, they did it on purpose. "I wanna know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Rydel stated finally taking her seat next to Kat. I was the first to respond, "I don't know what's going on his head or hers," I said pointing to Rocky then Katelyn, "but i'll tell you my part. I love Kat, I'm not going to deny it anymore, I do. I asked her out thinking it was okay bc Rocky said it was. But instead of letting her answer, I kissed her. She kissed back and Ross decided to take a pic and post it to the public, and pissed off Rocky. If y'all are wondering we aren't's my side. " every one sat and listened to what I had to say, and then Katelyn spoke, "I did, Ry kissed me and I kissed him back in spur of the moment. I like Ryland in all honesty, but I refuse to accept his invitation to be his girlfriend bc I like Rocky. Rock and Ry have been at war trying to win over my heart, but I've been at war with myself. Rocky I've liked even before I knew him, he's sweet, protective, and just a flat out great guy, and someone I could see myself with. Ryland is a lot younger than me, but he's still kind, caring, and I know he'd treat me like a princess, he does it without me being his girlfriend. I don't want to hurt anyone, and that's why I won't choose. I can't say I'm dating Rocky or Ryland bc I'm not." She sat there and cried while every one had side conversation. Rocky decided then would be a good time to speak, "I didn't want her to be with Ryland. I didn't to be honest bc I loved her the first moment I laid eyes on her. I could see she liked Ryland so I told him to go for it. I still wasn't happy about it. When I saw the pic of Ry eating her face, I got angry at Kat. I overreacted and knew that she would never forgive me. I want to be with Kat. She is right if she chooses Ry over me, I won't be happy, but I just want her to be happy. I don't want to be at war with my bro for the rest of our lives, so I haven't tried to make a move on her. There ya go. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth." At this point almost everyone was crying. Rydel still sniffling said, "I ship Kyland, and Kocky. I don't like seeing u guys cry. I see where all of u guys are coming from. But in all honesty it comes down to what Katelyn wants. I know that's a lot of pressure on Kat but any way you put it, someone won't be happy. All I want is for Katelyn to be happy, and Rock and Ryland to stop fighting." At this point Rydel was curled up to Ellington who at some point showed up, and was bawling. "I don't know what to do anymore!!" Kat said and ran out, she jumped in her car and peeled out of the parking lot.

Ellingtons POV

I walked into Starbucks just wanting to get some coffee and chill but I saw Ross, Izzy, Rydel, Rocky, Kat, and Ryland at a table talking. Rydel was talking about Rocky, Ryland, and Kat so I ran over and Rydel sat me down and sat in my lap. She finished what she was saying and cried into my chest. Katelyn yelled and then left. "What's going on?" I asked. "I wish I knew." Ross said before taking Izzys hand and leaving. Now the only ones left were me, Rydel, Ryland, and Rocky. I heard Rylands phone go off, so I peeked over his shoulder to see who it was. It was Katelyn, or Bae as his phone says...
~Text convo~
K: I don't know what to do.
Ry: Just be with me. Ill work it out with Rocky, everything will be okay.
K: alright
Ry: is that alright you'll go out with me, or just alright?
K: I'll date you Ry but if Rocky gets majorly upset I'll leave, just hope u know that.
Ry: okay.
~end of text convo~

He put his phone down and I told Rydel I had errands to run, she said shed go with me so we left.

Rocky's POV

My phone went off and it was Kat...
~text convo~
K: I'm sorry
R: y? What's going on?
~end of text convo~

She didn't answer back and my phone went off again. It was a tweet from Kat.

@Kats_A_Sloth: Sorry @rockyr5, but @rylandr5 is now my official boyfriend. Love u Ry!

@rylandr5: favorite, retweet
@Kats_A_Sloth @rockyr5 love u too babe!!!

@Kats_A_Sloth @rylandr5 @rockyr5 why him?
~end if tweets~

Oh she's dating Ry!!! Kyland is real!! Go ahead and hate lo

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