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Third Person, Narrator thing: 

Y/n is a simple person who lives a simple life, their a streamer and youtuber with some musical talent when i say some i mean a lot, their in a band with a few friends and they play the bass very talented 

Y/n has lived by themself for about 2 years now because back then they could afford a house and with that they left their 27 year old brother Chandler to take care of their 18 year old little sister Missy and until she moves out Chandler has to live with her 

Their love life is really non existent they don't really want to date anyone right now 'if they want to come they will come' is what Y/n sometimes says, they don't really have an interest in anyone right now but some where in the world, someone loves them and they don't know it yet

Love them might be an understatement well obsessed with them is more of an appropriate word an obsessed fan who wants Y/n all to himself  and will go to extreme lengths to make that dream a reality 

Y/n POV:

"HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE LEFT YOUR FAMILY HOME?" My dearest friend Charlie shouted at me through the Discord call 

"IT FEELS AMAZING THANK YOU" i said yelling back at her as i slowly spun my chair and laughed 

"Thats good you know whats a big red flag in a man?" Charlie said as she squinted her eyes at me and i knew where this conversation was going 

"If he still lives with his parents in his mid 30s i know" I said laughing a bit 


"I KNOW I KNOW BUT LIKE WHAT IF LIKE YOU GUYS GOT A FAMILY AND HE SAYS "Oh yeah i still live with my mum will that be a problem?" LIKE JUST MID WAY THROUGH YOUR MARRIAGE" I said pointing to nowhere because i like to do that when i'm talking about something that is very intense and very funny to me 

"Oh my god i would kill myself" Charlie said as she reached for her water bottle and started to drink from it 

"Same we can hang together" I said chuckling a bit as i watched Charlie struggle to keep the water in her mouth 

"You alright there?" I asked as she finally came to her senses and stopped nearly choking on her water 

"No that was so bad Y/n" Charlie said as she tried to contain her laughter 

"I'm just that funny Charlie, i am that funny" I said as i leaned back on my chair and i nearly fell off so i tightly gripped my chair 

"I'M GOOD I'M GOOD" I said as i leaned back with my heart pounding in my chest rapidly because my life just flashed before my eyes 

"Thats fuckin karma for making that joke hoe" Charlie said still a smug look on her face as she turned away from the camera 

"Haha not funny i could have died, what would have happened if i died" I said as i pointed to myself because if i did die what would happen to me well i'm dead that would be a start

"I would laugh, then realize you are actually dead, cry, end stream, call Chandler and an ambulance, try to re alive you, cry, take your stuff, plan a funeral and then you go to hell because of all the shit you have said and done in the past looking at you Wattpad fan ficts of Y/n thats some weird shit that we had to read" Charlie said as she pointed to Chat and then they went boonta about the allegations that they made wattpad storys about is which some we're pretty funny 

"Woah thats a good list, you know what i would probably laugh too if i died on stream like what a funny fuckin death like 'famous streamer *twitch name* dies at 23 due to hitting their head to hard on the floor, family speaks about how sad they are' i would love to make headlines that would be so fuckin funny" I said laughing a bit even tho i know laughing about my death shouldn't be a funny thing but with friends it is, it just really sounds like a funny ass thing 

"Oh my god i would read that article" Charlie said as she laughed her ass of and i started to laugh so much as well because who wouldn't read the article well many people but you get the point 

We we're laughing so much we we're nearly crying but it all stopped after a dono popped up and read a bit of a weird message "Please don't ever die Y/n, you are the light of my life and if you even die i would fuckin kill who ever killed you and then kill myself, you are too good for this world i love you so much"

"Oh thank you um haha" I said trying to laugh the weird fuckin message off but i knew this wouldn't be the end of the weird comments and that something bad was going to happen 

"Their legit the person to say 'i would fuck your dead body' am i wrong?" Charlie said as she and i started to laugh because that person does seem like the type of person to say and or sadly do that which would be really fuckin creepy if someone did that ngl 

"I can fuckin picture that just like at a meet and greet "I WOULD FUCK YOUR DEAD BODY have a great day" and just fuckin leaves" I said as we both laughed, after a bit more of laughing about that comment we both called it a stream and i went to make some food....


hello i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my sixth book >:D 

love you all so much 

1033 words

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now