✮Jealous? nooo✮

67 4 25

As Wilbur's grip on my waist increases every so slightly every few seconds i continue to ignore it and talk with my friends 

"Is anyone else hungry?" Mimi asks as she looks around the group with her hands on her hips 

"Yes, i'm fuckin starving" Charlie says as she smiles and laughs 

"Did you eat this morning?" Chandler asks in a slightly annoyed and fatherly tone 

"Yes?" Charlie replied looking at him like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world, Charlie did in fact eat this morning, 4 pancakes and a banana with a few glasses of water to fulfill her appetite 

"Oh...just making sure" Chandler said as he looked slightly surprised, Charlie is notorious for waking up 10 minutes before she has to leave for an event, no matter the importance she will wake up 10 minutes before leaving, even before her cousins wedding, with only 10 minutes she forgets to eat so we always must make sure

"Have you guys eaten?" Charlie asks as she points to the rest of us, we all nod in unison including Wilbur 

"Yeah? i never miss breakfast" Jamie said as he smirked 

"Thats a fact, man has never forgotten breakfast for 23 years" I say as I give Jamie a high five 

"Really?" Wilbur says in a soft almost non-existent voice 

"Yep, never missed breakfast, it fuels me for the rest of the day, also i get hungry at night so breakfast i make up for the time when i'm asleep, which is nearly 12 hours so" Jamie says as he smiles and explains to Wilbur why he has ate breakfast everyday for 23 years which is mighty impressive 

"Chandler....did you eat?" Mimi says as she points at Chandler using finger guns and squinting her eyes at him 

"Yes...yes i did" Chandler says sounding confused at why she was asking this 

"Good...good...Y/N" Mimi said as she turned her attention to me very suddenly making me jump ever so slightly 

"Yes?" I ask as i laugh a bit and gently caress Wilbur's hands which are still placed on my waist 

"Did you eat you notorious 'i wasn't hungry' and 'i didn't have time i kinda slept in' did you eat brekkie?" Mimi asked as she pointed at me

I smile as i laugh slightly "yes i ate this morning, i had pancakes"

"Good, good, they did eat, now talking about eating lets get some lunch" Charlie says as she leads us to a fish and chip shop, as we walk Wilbur holds my hand the whole time not letting go, almost to tell everyone 'fuck off, they are mine and mine only' 

Once we finally put our order of chips in we stand there minding our own business talking amongst ourselves but there was a slight problem 

Whenever Jamie would talk to me let alone look at me for a slight second Wilbur would get even more possessive than he already is and wrap his arms around me tighter or placing soft kisses all over my neck as Jamie talks to me

Eventually our chip order comes and Charlie collects it, we find a little patch of grass to sit down on but when we sit down i notice Jamie is talking to Wilbur, privately

i can overhear a slight bit of their conversation 

"Listen, i know Y/n is a lovely person and i know you love them very much but....i am not competition nor a threat, you wont get replaced as a boyfriend by me, you wont get kicked from your relationship, i am just their friend and we've been friends for over 10 years, nothing has never nor will ever happen between me or them...get that into your head ok? you seem like a nice guy but stop acting like every single guy you meet is a potential threat" Jamie says in a slight harsh whisper, for the reason of not letting the others and me hear what he's saying or what they're talking about but Jamie has a point, Wilbur can be extremely possessive and jealous when he wants to be

After a few more minutes of them talking they come back over to the group and sit down 

"There are the men" Charlie says as she laughs and eats, Chandler gives her a 'what the fuck' type of look 

"Am i not a man?" Chandler asks as he stares at her as Charlie looks back at him 

"The REST of the men are here" Charlie says emphasizing the word 'rest' 

"Thank you, fuckin bitch" Chandler says as he rolls his eyes as he eats which makes me laugh as i eat my chips, Jamie sits down next to Chandler as Wilbur sits next to me placing one of his hands on my waist 

We sit as we eat and laugh, overall enjoying each others company but Wilbur seemed oddly quite so i nudged him with my elbow, very lightly tho so don't worry

Wilbur's head perks up as he feels me nudge him replying with only a 'hm?"

"You alright?" I ask him as i tilt my head ever so slightly 

"Huh oh yeah i'm fine....do you think i'm too clingy?" Wilbur asked slightly out of the blue, wasn't really expecting that question but i also wasn't not thinking that it was going to happen (that sentence made no sense and i am so sorry, just lets pretend i can english, and pretend that it made sense <3) 

"Uh...well sometimes you can be quite possessive and jealous....i still love you tho, so don't think that i don't love you ok?" I say as i gently place my hand on top of his as he smiles gently at me and i smile back at him, he leans forward and places a sweet kiss on my forehead 

I smile before i kiss his cheek and going back to the conversation which drifted from our lives to King Charles having fat fingers 

"No cause i saw a photo of his hand on insta and i was like holy shit,...sausage fingers" Charlie said as she laughed

maybe this wan't too bad?...


hello hello

hope we are all well, i'm pretty good, just tired asf


anyways 1040 words <3

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now