✮Its a cat...✮

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I keep looking out of my window looking for that fuckin cat 

"It was just a cat" I say to myself as my phone dings as i jump in the air 

"FUCKIN HELL" I yell as i grab my heart and look at my phone 

Yourtruelove liked your post

'Oh just some random liking my post' i thought to myself as i put my phone down and tried to calm myself down, i hear a car drive past as i look out the window 

"Its no one" I say to myself as i grab something to eat 

"Its nothing" I say as i try to stop shaking and try to breathe which slightly worked 

After i finished eating my snack i went upstairs and into my office 

I put on my headphones and blasted my music as i edited the most recent video me and my friends filmed 

It took a few hours but i finished it, i stopped my music and went downstairs to grab a drink but i felt like something was off 

I walked to my kitchen and grabbed a knife to just be safe, i look at my counter and see a note?

I grip my knife tighter as i put my phone in my pocket and walk to my front door, back pressed up on it so i could see all around my house, i opened the note it read 

'Y/n oh my dear Y/n, i love you so much you wont even believe how much i love you, i am obsessed with you and i swear i will make you mine, weather you like it or not i will do whatever it takes to make you mine, i love you so fuckin much, i will kill for you if it means getting to you, it may get a little messy or brutal but i don't care, all i care about is being with you, nothing and no one can stop me, i just love you so much and i'm sure you do too, and if you don't i will make you, i don't care how long its going to take or who i'm going to have to go through, i will get you, i may get a little bloody during the process but who gives a fuck if a few people end up hurt or even worse..... not me, i just have eyes for you and i want your eyes to just be on me forever and ever, i'm going to make sure of that, you just watch or maybe watch out for that mysterious cat my darling, i love you and i'm sure you will love me too sometime 


- your Love, your one and only love 

P.S hope you find that cat ;)' 

And at the end of the note there was a lipstick kiss.. it was my lipstick, i only bought it as a joke, i never even wore it

I immediately run back into my office and lock the door, i stand there for a good minute listening closely, i heard nothing only my breathe 

I sit down on my office chair and sit, i sit and catch my breahte

I look at the note once again before putting it in my draw was evidence but i did need some more if i wanted to make a case report against this fucker  

After a few minutes of sitting i unlocked my office door and walked around my house, knife pointing in every corner or crevice, every possible hiding stop i went in knife first not afraid to stab anyone that could possibly be in the hiding spot 

I kept checking around my house and i found no one 

"That fucker" I say as i go upstairs with the knife as a 'just in case' along side with my baseball bat because you can never be too too sure 

I flop onto my bed as i go under the covers, i already locked all of the doors and windows including my bedroom one but i couldn't fall asleep 

I stared at the celling for a while longer before my eyes felt heavy, after a few moments i did fall asleep, i don't know how i fell asleep under these circumstances but i did

I woke up in a cold sweat wondering what time it was 

"What the fuck?" I ask myself as i check the time 

"Oh.. 9:32" I say as i wipe the could sweat off of my forehead and lay back down to try to mentally recover from what a fuckin day it was yesterday 

I eventually get off my ass and eat some breakfast, i need major therapy or a new house but God knows i can only afford one of those things

I go and get changed into my 'chill at home and think about you're creepy fuckin stalker' clothes as i sat down and thought about what i could be doing right now, i just sit there and think, TV not on, nothing on just sat there

After a few moments i decided to watch some Youtube so thats what i did, i went on Youtube and watched 'AITA' am i the asshole cooking videos because i like to watch them cook and make fun of people, that would be a great job, a podcaster, just sitting talking about the most out of pocket shit in the world and getting paid for it 

I get mesmerized by the cooking and kind of forget i had a bit of editing to do and that i had to upload the video 

"Oh shit i need to upload the video" I say as i quickly upload the video to my channel and then go back to watching the video, it was pretty interesting 

I eventually watched dumb people do dumb shit, which makes me feel a bit better about how dumb i feel 

"Fuckin dumbass" I said as i watched some guy fall into a bucket 

I hope i don't see that cat every again...


hey hope you all are well, i'm pretty decent 

i love you all and hope you have a great day/night 

baair for now <3

1033 words

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now