✮A cat? again?✮

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I take a deep breathe as i walk into my house, the nice smell of cold tiles and lavender fill my nose as i shut and lock my door before walking into my kitchen to grab some food

i was really hungry after all the trauma and the eventful few days i've been through, not like he didn't feed me he did but i like choosing my own food its just a personal thing

After sitting in my kitchen eating a bowl of noodles thinking about whatever in the hell just happened to me my phone lights up signaling i got a message, i look over and see a message from Wilbur so i grab it and check it 

Wilbur <3 

Wilbur - Hey love, i just wanted to say hope you got some safe and i love you so much, i'm sorry for being creepy but i just love you so much <3

Y/N - Hey Will, i love you too and i did get home safely thank you 

Wilbur - Thats so great darling! i already miss you, i love you so much and i already miss having you near me, can i see you soon? please please please please pleeeassse 

Y/N - Yeah sure, when?

Wilbur - Yay! can i come over in the morning? please please please please pleeeaaasse 

Y/N - Alright, alright, see you in the morning 

Wilbur - YAY! can't wait to see you love ;)


Jeez this guy is pretty lonely, kinda sad but kind of sweet in the same sense? no more so pretty sad, i don't think he really has friends because the whole time i was with him he never went out or anything...maybe he just is a loner who's afraid to talk to pretty people, yeah i guess that would work, a man who is a loner and socially anxious...or socially awkward anyways 

I looked at the time, it was only 8:36pm but i really needed some sleep do i did my usual, brushed my teeth, washed my face, got into my PJ's and locked all the windows and doors before doing a whole house search because i am now a super fuckin paranoid bitch, you get kidnapped once and then you start checking the whole entire house top to bottom, really fucks you up

Finally after a while of searching i walked upstairs to where my long awaited, beautiful bed....not that like the bed Wilbur gave me wasn't good it was, it was a nice bed but my bed is so much better because its mine! and much more cozy and has a few more plushies than his so automatically better 

I slip into the warm covers and cuddle one of my many plushies before thinking of a nice scenario to fall asleep too, after a while of tossing and turning i found the perfect position and fell asleep 


I sat in my bed staring at one of the many photo's i have of Y/n, god they are so beautiful, i know they only got picked up from my house by Violet or whatever their name is but i still miss them so much, their smile, their laugh, their face, their eyes...all of it, how hot they we're when they held that knife up to my throat, god i wish they could do it again 

i was scared shitless yes but god they looked fuckin hot...scary but kinda hot

I sit there under my covers looking at the photo of Y/n and a few of their friends smiling, god they are so cute when they're happy and just cute in general 

I can't wait to see them tomorrow, i really want to go right now! even tho it is only 9pm, i could just go to their house at 1am because thats technically the next day! and also its also morning and i said i would come in the morning

Never said what time i would come but, its the morning so how could they be mad at lil old me? I think of the perfect plan, i would drive to their house at 1am, sneak through their window and cuddle them while they sleep and when they wake up BOOM i'm right next to them and they don't have to worry about when i'm going to come because I'M ALREADY THERE! god i'm a fuckin genius 

I sit in my bed rewatching their old streams and videos until it turns 1am, i spring out of my bed putting some cologne on so i smell nice before grabbing my phone and keys and rushing out the door to my car, i hop into my car before starting it up and driving down my driveway to Y/n's house 

Once i reach their house i park and hop out, the gate that leads to their backyard is fuckin locked....shit

I stand there for a second deciding what to do, i finally decide to climb over the gate which works and i land on the ground with a rather large thump


My feet hit the ground, i stand there for a minute praying no one heard but all i hear is the gentle wind and a few birds, i walk through their backyard and find a ladder, i put it up to the gutter before climbing it and then walking to Y/n's window

I walk up to it and realizing it was unlocked! 

how lucky am i? i slowly open the window and sneak in, trying to make as little noise as i possibly can, I stand in their room and look at them sleeping

I know they asked me to not kidnap them but i don't think they said anything about breaking and entering?

I slowly walk over to their sleeping body and slowly open the covers, god they looked so cute when they slept

I slip into bed with them and cuddle them, i could feel their warm body up against my cold body, i gently wrap my hands and arms around them before pulling their body closer to mind, after a few minutes i start to fall asleep...


hey hey, hope you all are well 

hope you enjoyed this and love you all 

stay safe my little gremlins <3 

1030 words

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now