
117 5 39

TW: Mentions of Blood, kidnapping, Wilbur/Simpbur being a creepy and desperate fuck and finally slight violence, if any of this makes you uncomfortable click off for your own good <3

I quickly grab a baseball bat to protect myself from whatever or whoever this was 

As the knob was turned all the way my door creaked open slowly

My hands and body started to shake as my door opened ever so slightly i was an eye

The chocolate brown eye stared into my soul as i heard someone breathe heavily 

I raised my baseball bat up getting ready to hit, as i did that the door creaked open ever so slightly more and a hand appeared 

"W-who are y-you?" i ask shakily as i hold my bat up and slowly back away towards my window in my bedroom, getting ready for an escape 

"Oh don't you worry my love~" Said a very masculine and deep voice, i recognized his voice as i stood there in shock he slowly opened the door  

As the door opened more the tall figure slipped in....it was none other than 

"Hello darling~" 

"W-Wilbur?" I said as i lowered the baseball bat slightly in disbelief that he was there, he was wearing black jeans, a black hoodie, a black beanie and some black sneakers and he had fingerless gloves on both of his hands 

"Surprise" Wilbur said as he slowly walked towards me with his arms slightly opened, like he was expecting a hug 

"What..the fuck Wilbur?" I ask as i back away as he walks towards me 

"Aww not happy to see your boyfriend?" Wilbur said as his eyes twitched at the word boyfriend 

"Wilbur... get the fuck out" I say as i raise my bat again 

"Oh no no no, i can't do that my love....i love you to much" He said as he walked closer towards me as i bumped into my back wall 

"You're fuckin sick" I say as he walks close to me as i shake in fear 

"I love it when you talk dirty to me" Wilbur said as he winked at me and brought out a cloth from his pocket, i immediately grabbed onto his arm stopping him 

"C'mon love...stop resisting" Wilbur said, his voice serious and stern as he tried to put the cloth to my mouth 

"Fuck no" I said as i kicked him in the stomach and he tumbled back in pain 

"AAAA" He groaned in pain as he started to cough 

I stand there as my breathing pace speeds up quite a bit 

Wilbur sits on the ground as he coughs up some blood 

"Ooooh Darling....violence is not the answer" Wilbur said as he leaped back up and pressed the cloth on my mouth quite hard this time 

I started to feel a bit lightheaded as my body weakened

"Ssssh its ok my love.....its ok" He said as he patted my head, i tried to get out of his grip but only managed to scratch him 

"Ow..that hurt" He said as blood slowly emerged from the skin, i watched it emerge as my vision went blurry 

"Night night darling....hope you find that cat" Wilbur said as he winked at me before i blacked out....


I watch their body slump down the wall and fall onto the floor, i pick up the baseball bat that they had once in their hand and kiss it 

"I'm so sorry love but chlorophane doesn't work for that long" I say as i aim and swing at their head, i wait a second before i see blood come out of the side of their head 

Tears form in my eyes as i run and grab some clean towels and water to apply to the wound 

"I- i am so sorry love" I say as i single tear runs down my cheek 

"But its the only way you we're every going to love me" I say as i kiss their head and clean off the wound, once the head stopped bleeding i gently picked them up bridal style as they we're knocked out and put them on the couch 

I made sure nobody was outside before quickly unlocking my car and opening the backseat door 

I ran back inside picked them up and plopped them in the back seat and put the seat belt over their body, i kissed their forehead 

"You will be home very soon" I whisper to them as i stroke their hair and run back inside, i take any belongings that they may need such as phone, keys, favourite hoodie and some other stuff 

I'm only taking their keys and phone so no one will suspect that i had taken them, good plan....right? 

I grab my car keys and walk out the front door, i lock the door before jogging into my car and getting into the drivers seat 

I adjust the rear view mirror as i look at Y/n's sleeping or well unconscious body and smile to myself a little bit 

"We will be home very soon Y/n.....very soon" I say as i start up the car and start to drive, i drive for a few minutes before we reach the forest  

I continue driving next to the forest before i reach a driveway, i pull into the long driveway 

The driveway takes me to my house or well now Y/n and i's house, i've always dreamed of the day that they will be my partner, the day they move in with me weather they like it or not....they will be with me....forever 

I park my car as i look back at Y/n who's still unconscious and i smile to myself 

"We're here darling, no need to be so sleepy" I say as i laugh a bit and get out of my car, i walk to the front door of my two story old brick house and unlock it 

I swing the door open as i walk away to collect Y/n 

They still lay unconscious in the back of my car as i unbuckle their seat belt before carrying them bridal style and locking my car 

"Welcome home my dearest darling" I say as i walk in the house with my beloved Y/n...


heyo hope you all are well and enjoyed this chapter 

Sorry for not updating sooner i've just haven't had motivation so sorry again 

Love you all and stay safe <3  

Bai for now 

1069 words <3

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now