✮Movie sucks✮

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I continue to watch this movie and i slowly realize how shit it actually was

The plot was shit, the filming was shit, i mean i think my cat could have done better to be fair, the acting was once again s-s-shiitttt

Yes i know its my opinion but i think Simpbur mindlessly put on a random movie because he wanted to be up close and personal with me and not really care about what was happening but he was more so focused on being close to me? weird but fair enough i am pretty cuddly

As i watched the movie go on i kept thinking about how i was mentally, i felt fine but i also realized that most of the feelings i felt towards Simpbur we're unnatural, one of the only reasons i like him is because he's the only barrier between me and death in this point of time, at any point he can put a gun to my head and blow my brains out like a bowl of spaghetti or he could happily just stop feeding me and paying attention to me 

But i did like him before i was kidnapped...in a weird way i was attracted to him....god this is fuckin confusing, i like him willingly and i also like him because he's all thats there to like! this is part Stockholm and part me liking him before all this shit went down 

I continue to let my mind race with all these thoughts about my feelings and how i could possibly get out of this shit show alive, i had a few options

1- I could jump out of the window in my bedroom and make a run for it....but i don't know where i am and i don't have my phone, all of the main roads are super far.....but if i do follow his driveway i could find a road and then run out that way....but he knows where i live

2- Sprint out of the front door while we're sitting.....but he's also 6'6 and has a fairly good build....he could easily out run me and easily pick me up and throw me back inside and put me in the basement and i could die

3- Plead for my life, beg for him to let me go and say 'i promise i wont press any charges for anything' might work but probably wont

4- do 3 BUT grab a knife and put it to his throat and say "Let me go and i wont tell a single soul about this" he might let me go then? but i do feel bad for him and its not because i'm his victim but he's really lonely so i could give him the benefit of the doubt and say "I'll be your partner BUT i live in my house and no more kidnapping and that shit"....this one could work quite well in the sense of getting no one involved 

5- If he falls asleep during the movie, grab my phone and text my friends about my situation and tell them to pick me up and bring knives and baseball bats to threaten him and take me home......could work really well except for the fact he might not fall asleep, might wake up when i grab my phone, hear me grab my phone or he could turn violent when he see's my friends and try to kill me OR them....or both of us for that fact 

I could call the cops, which would be the best idea...one problem....you have to stay on the phone with the police operators, if Simpbur see's me talking to them he could get hostile, smash the phone before i get the address in and possibly move me before the police get the chance to find me, they could put my face on the news as a missing person but that comes with the downfall of Simpbur possibly ending mine and his life so he would never be caught and i would never be found so he could keep me as his forever, which would be horrible

And i also don't like talking to people i don't know on the phone because its scary for me ok? leave me alone

but which choice is best?

which one should i chose?


hello all, sorry for the long wait lmao been a bit busy 

so yes the choice is yours....i will look at the majority and which ever that is will be the plan of escape Y/n will do so yeah 

Love you all <3

750 words  

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now