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I lean my head back in the chair as i wait for what seems like ages for him to finish his video 

"Almost there my good little partner~" Wilbur said in a slightly seductive tone as he gently kissed my neck, my face went bright red as i felt his lips brush against my neck 

Wilbur smirked at seeing my face red as he went back to typing and clicking random buttons which i assumed was editor shit

I sit there for another what 32 minutes? before Wilbur finally spins in his chair to face me

"See darling...it wasn't that bad was it now?" He says before gently kissing me on the lips, he holds the kiss for about 3 seconds before pulling away and smiling at me 

I give a faint smile to him 

"You are so beautiful" Wilbur said before untying me and carrying me around the house, i clung onto him in fear that i was going to fall or be dropped which would both really hurt and i don't need to be hurt even more than i have been in the past 2 days

He nuzzles his face into my neck before lightly placing me on his couch, it was quite a soft couch, it was black with a few pillows on it and quite a spongy couch 

"I made you something to eat for being so good for me~" Wilbur said in the same slightly seductive tone as he handed me a sandwich and a drink 

He sat down next to me and watched me eat 

I ate as i watched him out of the corner of my eye a bit concerned and confused on why he was watching me with so much passion eat this sandwich that he made me 

"How is it love?" He asked as he put his hand gently on my thigh which made me blush heavily 

"Y-yeah its um good thanks" I say as i smile a bit and finish my sandwich  

"Good" Wilbur says as he kissed my cheek gently and smiles at me, i give him a nervous smile back as he rubs my thigh with his hand, i want to move his hand off and run out the door but i know he would easily catch up to me and drag me back inside the house and i would have no chance at escaping, none at all which would mean me living the rest of my fuckin life in this shit hole and i don't want that, i would rather DIE then spend the rest of my days in the basement of this psycho house, i mean if i tried to escape he would put me in the basement and i really don't want that 

"You are so pretty, did you know that? god i never want to leave you ever, you are too perfect to let go my love, god i love you....if you ever try to leave i swear i will hunt you down and drag you back here with all my might and tie you down in the basement...so don't you dare try to escape on me ok? all i need from you is to love me...thats my one and only wish from you...too love me....thats all i need....i don't want or need anything else from you, only your love Y/n, thats all i crave from you, is your validation and love" Wilbur said in a soft yet threatening tone as he placed me on his lap and caressed my cheek with his thumb while examining my facial features 

I look at him and notice his pupils are in the shape of hearts? no thats not right...i lean in closer to him and look at his eyes....hearts? what the fuck? how is that humanly possible...IT ISN'T, no no they must be contacts, i lean in a bit closer to look at his eyes and then i realize our lips are almost touching....i sit there before gently kissing him on his lips 

I feel Wilbur tense up for a second before he kisses me back gently, he pulls away and smiles at me 

"Are your pupils really hearts or are they contacts?" I ask i look at him in his eyes 

"Well love you see...these are my actual eyes and i've only found out my pupils are shaped like hearts! i found this out the day after i saw you, every other photo and video of me before seeing you my pupils are round, like everyone else, but the day after i saw your beautiful face i noticed they changed, i think your beauty and grace changed my view on the world....my view on life...it all changed because of you...my love" Wilbur said in a soft and quiet voice almost like he was whispering to me as he gently caressed my cheek with his thumb and held onto my waist with his other hand as he smiled at me

I give him a smile back still very confused on how someone can have hearts for pupils? i just can't get a grip on it? how do your pupils just change shape over night? they can't because thats not humanly possible...i think?

Like i know i'm hot and all but...i don't think my hotness can change someone's pupils, i've seen it in movies and anime like that kind of shit but in real life? with my stalker, kidnapper guy? no no no it makes no sense...nothing about his eyes make sense, the only thing about his eyes that makes sense is that they are a normal color, a deep hazel brown that match is hair which is a light and fluffy brown and it is quite curly too 

He smiles at me before gently kissing my lips once again as he starts to play with my hair slightly, after a few moments i kiss him back gently, he may be my kidnapper and stalker but a kiss is a kiss ok? and he's kinda cute very creepy and obsessive but cute? its horrible to say 

Suddenly my phone starts ringing and Wilbur quickly grabs it and gives it to me to answer 



Hello there, hope you all are well 

I am pretty good thanks, i'm off school for 2 weeks because end of term >:D

stay safe, eat, sleep, drink water and love you all 

1055 words

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - Simpbur x GN! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now