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"C'mon mum, it's just a few hours to get school supplies with Nadia." I had been trying to convince my mum for a while now.

"No, you're still grounded remember?". My mum said with a stern face. "But mum...you said I would be ungrounded if I took Alex to the park, well we went, he had fun, he was well fed, no injuries and he even slept before his bedtime." my mum silently thought about it before she said, "Fine you can go, but be back before 6:00 pm." I let out a breath I had been holding.

"Wait isn't our curfew 7:00 pm?" I questioned a little worried that I was pushing it.

"Well, you are allowed to go, but I'm still punishing you so your curfew is before 6:00 pm for a week." I contemplated arguing this but I don't go anywhere anyways.

"Ok, sure, I barely have a social life, I can make it before 6:00 pm."

"Good, now here is a list of things I need you to get." I stared at my mum in shock. "Mum... C'mon, you didn't even want me to go."

"Sass me and you don't leave this house." My mum said as she glared at me. I knew my mum was dead serious so I humblely accepted it with a little bow.

"Good, buy everything on the list for me and bring it home quickly, we're meeting Caleb today so I have to cook for six." I almost forgot about Caleb coming over for dinner.

"Oh yeah, so what are you guys gonna do to him, is dad gonna break out his gangster persona," I said as I struck a pose.

"I'm not going to tell you, you might tell your sister, but I can assure you that your father won't be doing that whole gangster thing, I told him to stop because I hate it," she looked at me and shook her head "and stop doing that." I composed myself as I chuckled. I stepped out of the kitchen and went straight to the living room to continue watching TV.


A few hours later Nadia texted me that they were waiting so I said goodbye to my mum as I went out to meet her. "Hey Nad, how are you feeling now?"

"Better, but forget that, I can't believe the break is over," Nad said as she jumped with glee.

"I know I can't wait to be invisible another year." Nad frowned slightly at my comment as she held my shoulder so I would be facing her.
"C'mon Amy don't be like that, you know you're so pretty but you are also super shy and socially awkward and wear only dark clothes and..."

"Is this supposed to cheer me up?" I said slightly confused. "No, sorry I kinda trailed off, my point is you need to open up a little and wear brighter clothes you know," Nad said passionately like she was giving me a pep talk, it sure felt like one.

"It's not like I'm not invisible on purpose..." I was cut off by a snort behind me. "Say it till you believe it," Aidan said as he continuously tapped on his screen.

"Why is he here?" I said a little puzzled. "You know how my mum is, when she heard I was going out she got paranoid and said since I was just recovering it would be safer if Aidan followed." I stared back at him and stuck out my tongue 'Not like he could see me'

"You're so childish." He said, his eyes never leaving his screen, 'so he could see me'.

I rolled my eyes as I averted my focus back to Nad. We talked for a while before we finally reached the mall. Oh how I loved the mall, but I hate going out so it makes things weird. We step into the mall as we head to the bookshop.

After we got all the supplies we needed we decided to stop by the food court and grab lunch.

As we started eating I noticed Aidan had put down his phone and was staring at something. I elbow Nad to look at him and we both chuckle at what he was looking at. Two tables away a girl was sitting alone with headphones on. She looked about our age and to be honest she was kinda cute. The girl had a very bright shade of blue eyes, it was so bright I could notice it while she bowed her head. She had jet-black hair and very faint freckles.

"Hey, bro, go talk to her." He looked back at Nad a little confused. "Yeah, she's cute," I said as I stuffed fries in my mouth.

"You know when I said I needed more male friends, this is not what I meant." Aidan looked away but not before I noticed a little blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, c'mon I'm serious go, you know whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." I nodded approvingly at what Nad said since I couldn't talk because of the fries.

Aidan looked a little unsure, so Nadia kicked him from under the table making him jolt up. I guess he thought that since he was already up there was no turning back because he started to stroll towards the girl.

After about five minutes Aidan came with a smile on his face. "I got her number, her name is Jess, and she lives on the edge of town. She said we should keep in touch. Thanks a lot, sis, this helped my ego after I got rejected that time." Aidan said a little too excited.

"I feel like a matchmaker," Nad said very confident in herself.  After we finished lunch we started to head home.

"Oh wait, my mum said I should buy groceries," I said as we were about to pass the grocery store.

We quickly went back as I started taking all the things that were on the list, seemed like my mum was gonna make her famous peach cobbler.

"Woah, is your mum making her peach cobbler?" Nad asked a little too excited, seems like I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Looks like it," I said knowing where this was going.

"I'm coming over for dinner I'll call my mum you call yours," Nad said not even giving me a chance to protest. "I'm coming to," Aidan said from behind us.

I picked up my phone and I dialed my mum's number. She picked up on the second ring, "Hello, mum can Nad and Aidan come over for dinner?" I asked already knowing the answer, my mum loved having guests over, especially ones that appreciate her cooking, and Nad and Aidan loved it even more than their mum's.

"Sure, but that means you have to shop for eight then." I nodded but then realized she couldn't see me so I quickly said "Okay, bye Mum"

Nad's mum was a bit reluctant when they told her but she agreed only if Aidan was there and if they slept over so that they wouldn't have to walk that late at night.


After I got everything I needed we started to head home. On our way, we chatted about random stuff. As we entered the house I heard a shrill deafening sound that made my ears pound.


Author's note:
How was this chapter, it took me Soo long to finish it because I kept getting stuck. I have officially made my posting time every Friday if I can.

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😂😘🥰🥰🥰 Byee.

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