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"It took all of me
To try to resist that lonely feeling
That no one seems to see
Waiting for time to break my shackles
Cause I hear evil cackles
That just reminds me of the pain
And makes me go insane
Oh, why? I cried to no one
And let out a sigh
Even though I wasn't alone
I wouldn't try"

Okay, I deserve a Nobel prize. I know it needs some work but it's still good.

Sometimes I like being grounded because it gives me poetic ideas as much as I'm always too scared to show anyone.

'If no one sees it how would you get the Nobel prize? ', Well, my conscience was right but I'm still not convinced to show anyone yet. Well, I still read it for fun.

On the note of being grounded, I've got a week and two days left till I'm free to go back into the world just to stay in my room.

I was doing just fine with the grounding but Cinth was breaking down. She missed Caleb so much, that she made a slide of pictures of him which she had been watching for two days now. And to make things worse, Mum and Dad made sure Cinth didn't get in touch with Caleb until they meet him so she's been freaking out.

In the beginning, It was fun to watch. But now?, It's just annoying because she hogs the good couch.

"Amy," My mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I screamed back as I stumbled downstairs.

"Yeah, mum?" I asked as I got there.

"Okay, so, your dad and I have to go somewhere, but we were supposed to take Alex to the park so you'll have to take him instead." My mum explained as I scrunched up my nose.

"No, I'm grounded remember? And Alex always runs off so it's hard to keep up with him." I whined.

"Don't worry he won't because we got one of those leashes for kids. It will be like walking a puppy that can talk and kick you in the shin." He does that these days.

"But mummm...."

"If you do it you are no longer grounded" Mum tried to bargain.

"I like being grounded, it's not like I have a social life or anything."

"Will you do it for fifty bucks?" She said as she pulled the money out of her purse.

"I won't do it for money, it makes me feel like a bad sister."

"Okay if you do it I will get you that glue gun you've been asking for." I always had a thing for crafting. It always made me happy, and when I was 13, I built an entire doll house with scrap that I collected–oh yeah, I also collect scrap– I have been asking my parents for months now and they always said no, this was my chance.

My mum stared at me anticipating my answer. I was gonna say yes, but I wanted it to look like I was thinking about this.

"Deal," I said after some time.

"Good, so you will take him by noon and bring him back by six, okay?"

"Got it," I started as I went to grab a bag of chips. I wonder how I'm not fat I eat more than a pregnant lady.

"Oh, where are you guys going anyway?" I asked as I dropped on the couch.

"Well if you must know, we are going to the botanical garden on a date." My dad was a botanist so his life revolved around it. This is not their first date at the botanical garden. They would have gotten married there but my mum's parents insisted on the place they got married.

"Cool," I said as I diverted my focus to the TV.

After a while, Mum and Dad left for the garden. I was sitting on the couch when Cinth strolled in with a big smile on her face.

'what now'

"Hey, beautiful." My sister said as she stood in front of the TV.

"What do you want me to do now?" She was blocking my way and I wasn't ready to play dumb, I was watching Catfish, and Nev and Max were about to reveal the catfish and I didn't wanna miss it.

"Well, Alex told me that you were going to the park?" She said with that smile that scared me.

"Yeah...why?" I asked a little bit concerned about what she wanted to ask.

"Well, I was thinking maybe you could meet Caleb in the park and fill him in about the things he should know about Mum and Dad before he meets them?" She said still smiling.

"No..." I whined as I dragged out the 'no', "I don't wanna see Caleb, plus how are we going to meet, and what if Alex rats us out and...and I don't know how mum and dad are going to test Caleb." I said with a frown.

"Well, firstly you promised me you would be nicer to Caleb because I stuck up for you so you are going to see him, secondly he works at that diner very close to the park so as you go there for lunch you can see him, and Alex loves Caleb he won't rat us out." She was very convincing and I owed her so I had to say yes. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Thank you! Oh and the things to tell him, I'll write it down, okay?" My sister squealed out.

"Yeah, yeah got it, no need to hurt my ears" Cinth quickly ran upstairs to write her note.

I quickly checked to see if I could catch a glimpse of catfish, and turns out I missed a fight by the looks of it, thanks a lot Cinth.

After scrolling through channels for about an hour, Alex ran up to me with his leash, some times he acted like a dog.

"What's up Alex," I said with a slight chuckle.

"I'm ready, let's go." He said very impatiently. "Okay, but go tell Cinth that we're leaving." He nodded and ran straight up impatiently.

"Cinth said to give you this..." He said as he gave me a piece of paper,
"...and she said you should buy me a smoothie." Clever Cinth so it will seem, to Alex, like we just ran into him, I envy her wisdom.

The park was not very far so Alex and I walked there. When we got there he gave me the puppy dog eyes and begged me to release the leash. I couldn't resist so I set him free. He ran as far as his little legs could carry to the playground as I went straight to the 'parents/babysitters/creepy people who watch children's bench'.
Thankfully it was empty so I could do anything without the fear of someone staring right at me.

After I felt myself dosing off, I heard someone sit beside me. I decided not to open my eyes to avoid small talk, but to my dismay, the person tapped my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes.

Author's note:
Okay, so how was this chapter? I've been working on leaving you guys in suspense so tell me how I did.

A close friend told me that people might not wanna read the poem at the top so if you wanna see more please tell me in the comments.

Oh and leave in the comments who you guys think tapped Amethyst's shoulder.

Many kisses if you're reading this and more blessings 😘😘😘💖💖

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