"You are a mean girl, Rána", Merenwen muttered silently. The young Elvengirl had obviously heard it.
She wiggled her eyebrows happily. "And what about you?", Wilwarin suddenly asked. She crossed her arms and got up.
With one arm, she longed for the sheet of paper Rána had in her hands. "Never", snatched she, pressing it to her chest like a treasure. "Come on, be a nice girl", Wilwa moaned. "I seriously don't wanna force you to do that. It would be much more pleasure for us all if you handed over this piece of paper to me deliberately." Raising her eyebrows, opening her hand, she looked at Rána again.
Oh, how well she knew her. Ra sighed. "Don't do bad to it. And... Well..." She gasped. "NO! YOU WOULD SEE THE NAMES!" Again, she held it out of Wilwa's reach.
"Seriously? We all know which names are on it." The older Elf encouraged Merenwen and Elrawien to support her, and they did willingly. Everyone was curious which names were on that list.
"Okay... Okay..." Rána wiggled her eyebrows again. "You didn't want it any other way." Now, it was her turn to cross her arms and lean back.
Wilwarin grabbed the list. Elra and Mer had jumped to look over her shoulder, apparently more excited than curious. This "project" really started taking huge dimensions.
"You!", Merenwen suddenly screeched. The girl grabbed one of the pillows lying around, before she threw it onto Rána with a surprising aiming security.One minute later, Rá was buried under pillows. To the right and left, her arms sticked out, and her legs did, although the head was fully covered in textile.
"What?", she muttered angrily, throwing around her arms like hell. Afterwards, she grabbrd the next pillow to throw it back where it belonged.
"Caspian?", Merenwen winced. "Bard?", Wilwarin asked. "Legolas?", Elrawien finished off the question round.
"Yip", Rána answered happily, running danger to be hit once more. The thing about it all was actually, that all the girls were absolutely happy with the choice. It was just the thing of hiding it.
"I like the other choices you made, though", Wilwarin intervened, still hardly breathing. All of Rána's friends still seemed a bit angry, but the Elvenlady didn't really care about it. Just to the moment when Wilwarin set another two names onto the list:
Rána. Peter.
Now, it was her turn to jump up. "Whaaaaat?"-------
Only a short one, more will follow next. ;*
I just thought better a short one than nothing. ^^