Ch 67 - New Acquaintances, Old Faces Pt. 4

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Shiro washed his hands after taking a nice leak from the bathroom. He looked at the mirror and saw if there was something out of place — that, or he wanted to see his face.

"Alright." He wiped his hands on his hoodie and went out of the bathroom.

He should've just kept on walking and made his way towards the escalator, but something told him, almost as if it was instinctual and ingrained in him, that someone was watching. That feeling of being watched was too familiar to him. Shiro looked everywhere, and then behind.

A tall man stood there — by tall, it meant that he was taller than Shiro. His head was shaved, he had gray eyes, his nose was long, and his beard neatly followed his jawline.

He stared at Shiro dead straight. It wasn't a stare that seemed like he was spacing out; it was a stare that was observing Shiro from head to toe, like he was confirming something.

"What's his problem?" Shiro sweat dropped.

He was weirded out, for sure, but he didn't think he was being hostile. That was until the tall man pulled something out from his pocket. The object seemed to be long, black, and had two metal prongs.

"Is that...a fucking stun gun!?"

Time slowed down. Shiro stepped forward and to his right, and as the man was going to stick it on Shiro's neck, he slapped the right hand to make a pass, replaced his left hand on it to keep it at bay, and chopped the back of his head.

He thought it would be enough to knock him down, but the man stumbled and groaned as he turned back to Shiro. What surprised Shiro more was when he pressed his ear and said something in Russian,

"White Bird spotted on second floor bathroom."

He didn't know what the man's business was, but whatever it was, he knew he was dealing with something bigger than he initially thought. This was not a crazy man who wanted to attack a random Japanese; it almost seemed planned.

Shiro didn't want to do violence today, nor was he in the mood for it. However, hearing that was unsettling for him. "White Bird" sounded like a code name.

The man went in for another charge, but Shiro passed him like earlier, and when the man turned around to go back at Shiro again, he found the opportunity to kick the balls. The man instantly went limp and knelt to the ground. To finish it off, Shiro did a spinning back kick.

He picked up the stun gun, put it in his pants' pocket, and ran to the escalator. Although he wanted to get rid of it, he couldn't shake off the possibility of the man's "friends" coming to help.

The people that Shiro passed by were bewildered, but he had no time to worry about public image. He had to get out as soon as possible.

He arrived at the escalator, and thought he was safe, until he caught a glimpse of another Russian man. He ran up the escalator, pushing the Japanese out of his way while maintaining eye contact. Shiro thought now would be a good time to jump down to the first floor.

Rolling to break his fall and keep his momentum, Shiro ran back to Sora and the others, but when he looked back to see the Russian jump over the escalators' railings, he had no choice but to go back and confront him.

"EVERYBODY, RUN!" Shiro shouted at the top of his lungs.

This did confuse everybody, but Shiro needed to say something so everybody could follow what he said if something were to go wrong.

The Russian man pulled out a pen, and held it in an icepick grip. He tried to go for Shiro's head, but Shiro passed him, readied a punch to the liver, and gave a strong hook.

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