fun and games at sebs house (p1)

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This is the first time I've wrote a chapter like this so sorry if this isn't the best 😅
Sebastian started to tidy up the living room to make it a bit more presentable because the others were coming round soon and didn't want the place to look like a mess.

He sighed in satisfaction after finishing tidying up and slumped down on the couch beside his boyfriend.
"How long until the first drivers will arrive?" He asked curiously "They shouldn't be lon-" Kimi began before he was interrupted by the doorbell.
"I'll go get it" Seb said before standing up and making his way over to the front door.

He fumbled with the lock before opening the door revealing Lando, Carlos, Oscar and Logan while Max was parking the car
"Hey guys! You're the first ones to arrive so just go to the living room, second door on the right." "Thanks Seb!" Lando exclaimed before bolting to the room excitedly. The others greeted him before walking over to where Lando had run off too. Sebastian decided there was no point in him going back as the others were going to arrive soon so he just sat at the chair beside the front door.

Not even 2 minutes later, the door bell went off again, Seb stood up and opened the door and before he could say anything a small blond boy launched himself into his arms. "Hey Mick" Seb said while laughing quietly as Lance and Esteban began to laugh. "I missed you so much!" The younger boy mumbled "Mick you saw me last week" Seb said causing Lance and Esteban to laugh even harder. "Still!" He said pulling back with a pout. "You know where the living room is, just go through there where some of the others are." Mick nodded before walking past him and leading Lance Esteban and Checo to the room.

In groups or by themselves most drivers arrived leaving just Fernando to come. Around 10 minutes after the last group got there the doorbell rung again which Seb was quick to open eyes slightly widening when he saw Fernando with Stoffel Vandoorne, Mark Webber and Jenson Button.
"Hi Sebastian, hope you don't mind that I brought them along" Fernando said while pointing to the others. "No it's fine, we have plenty of room, come now you guys are the last to arrive" Sebastian said while ushering the men into the living room.

"You guys took your time!" Lewis said with a slight chuckle. "Yeah sorry about that, had to drag Stoffel out of bed first." Fernando explained with a smirk. "You didn't tell me so how could I have known" Stoffel mumbled with a light grimace while sitting down next to Nyck as that was the only spot left.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Seb asked curiously. "Can we play truth or dare?" Lando asked excitedly "Wait why don't we continue what we we're playing in the chat but in real life with shots?" Mick suggested. "Shots? Hell yes I'm with Mick" Valterri said as soon as he heard the word shots. "Okay just try not to get too drunk please" Seb said while walking towards the kitchen to grab the alcohol and shot glasses.

A couple of seconds later Seb returned and pour the beverage into everyone's shot glass.
"So who wants to ask the first question?" Mick asked. "I will!" Yuki spoke up and everyone turned to face him

"Okay, never have I ever.. had a crush on another driver!" Yuki said

Lando, Carlos, Lewis, Valterri, Zhou, Charles, Max, Daniel, both Nicos, Alex, Kevin, Lance, Esteban, George, Pierre, Checo and Mick took a shot

"Damn okay, Lando you next!"

"Erm okay, never have I ever walked in on someone"

Lance and George took a shot

"Damn who did you guys walk in on?" Lando asks curiously

"Don't think I'm allowed to say or I'll get killed" George said with a mumble which made a few others chuckle


"Having Seb as a teammate has its ups and downs" Lance said with a disgusted look on his face

"Hold on you saw that?" Seb said with wide eyes

"Yeah, damn didn't know you were into that stuff Seb" Lance teased with a giggle

"Okay that's enough, let's leave it there" Kimi sighed

"Ok me next, never have I ever given a strip tease" Carlos said with a smirk

Lando, Nico, Seb, Kevin, Mick, Nyck and Pierre all took a shot

"I'll continue Carlos's, never have I ever received a strip tease"

George, Stoffel, Esteban, Lewis, Kimi and Nico H took a shot

"Interesting" George said with a smirk on his face

"Okay before we get a bit drunk, why don't we play truth or dare?" Seb suggested

"Alright! I'll start, Nyck truth or dare?" Yuki asked his ex-teammate

"Erm, dare?"

"I dare you to sit on Stoffel's lap for the rest of the game" Yuki said smugly making Nyck turn red with wide eyes

"Fine.." He mumbled a respond and moved over to sit on the blushing Belgian's lap.

After shifting a few times to get more comfortable Nyck asked the next person.

"Okay, Charles truth or dare?"


"Do you still have a crush, if so are they in this room?"

"Yes" Charles responded timidly

Murmurs of ooo's could be heard from nearly everyone one

"Okay um, Mick! Truth or dare"


"Hm, is your crush here?"

"No" Mick responded quickly to get it over with

"Anyways Lance, truth or dare!"

"Um, dare?" Lance responded with a nervous tone

"I dare you to kiss someone" Mick said, making the young Canadian turn bright red

Lance paused for a moment and took a deep breath before pulling the Mexican who was sitting beside him for a kiss.

It wasn't a long kiss, only a short and gentle one, but it still made butterflies erupt in his stomach and little did he know that the old teammate felt the exact same.

After a few seconds Lance pulled away and went back to his sitting position trying his best not to stare at the flustered man beside him and cleared his throat.

"Right, Lewis truth or dare"


Lance thought for a second before a massive grin appeared on his face

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Nico" Lance said in a singsong tone

"I- Erm fine" Lewis replied with a sight before standing up and taking the younger man's hand in his and lead him to the closet

"No funny business in there!" Fernando shouted


After what Lance said my eyes went wide, no way was I going to do that with Hamilton! I have spoken to him since 2016 apart from on the group chat.

Before I could even register the situation Lewis finally responded to Lance "Fine" my eyes went wide and before I knew it Lewis grabbed my hand and took me towards a closet in a empty room. Fernando shouted something but I couldn't hear it as Lewis had just dragged me into the closet.

"Why didn't you say something to them? We might not be in here if you said something!" I said slightly annoyed but honestly, I'm not complaining

"Because it's a dare Rosberg! You have to do it you can't back out that's boring" He replied, not sounding too pleased with me

"Well you could o-" before I could continue he pin me against a wall and I accidentally let out a soft squeak

"God, do you ever shut up?"


"Just shut up please" he mumbled
Because I don't want to make this too long, I'm separating this chapter into a couple of parts, I will continue with this part and post it soon

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