The Aftermath

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"So, we were originally playing never have I ever on the groupchat before Max heard someone crying so we stopped the game to figure out who it was Checo. Max was trying to get in but he couldn't but likely your fellow Canadian literally ran to his aid. Then after that Seb asked if we wanted to go to his which everyone agreed on. When we got there we continued to play never have I ever but with shots, a few secrets got out. Lance had walked in on Seb and Kimi but George wouldn't say who he walked in on.

"Poor Lance" Nicky Laughs

"I know right?" Alex chuckles before continuing

"Anyways, next we played truth or dare before another got drunk, Nyck had to sit on Stoffel's lap, Lance ended up kissing Sergio for a dare, Mick has a crush on someone and Nico and Lewis had to play 7 minutes of heaven"

"Wait! Rosberg and Hamilton? Seriously?!" Nicky said, surprised

"There's something happening between the two of the I think, anyways next we watched a movie and fell asleep, that sums it up" Alex concluded

"Jeez, I'm kinda sad I missed that" Nicky giggled

"It was really fun, now I bought you that Nutella by the way"

"You're the best babe" Nicky said, kissing Alex's forehead

"Anything for you Nutella lover"


After the drive back with Alex, they walked into Lewis's house, before sitting down on the couch. Deciding to talk about the previous night



"Can I ask you something" Lewis asked

"Sure" Nico said slightly confused

"Right, I honestly really like you, do you like me?" Lewis said somehow calmly

"I- yes why" Nico replied face bright red

"Be my boyfriend then"

"I- really?" Nico said surprised

"Of course" Lewis said smiling

"I would love to" Nico smiled

Lewis smiled brightly, pulling Nico in for a kiss, this time it wasn't rough it was gentle, lips moving softly against each other.

"I love you Nico" Lewis mumbled after they separated, while taking the German in his arms holding him close

"I love you too" Nico smiled, snuggling happily into his boyfriend


Lance got up, walking towards the door and opening it


"Can we talk? Please"

"Um, okay" Lance said letting the Mexican inside

They sat down on Lances bed, Lance looking curiously at his ex-teammate

"Look I just want to say thanks for yesterday, helping me" Sergio smiled

"It's fine honestly" Lance replied

"But at Seb's, why did you kiss me?" The Mexican asked curiously

"I- well um it was a dare so I just did it" Lance rushed out, cheeks turning red

Sergio laughed at the young Canadian, moving towards him, lifting his chin up making him look at him

"It's fine, I enjoyed it" He mumbled, staring at Lance's lips

"I- really?" Lance replied face now bright red

"Mhm, and I'd do it again if you would let me" the Mexican said, stroking Lance's jaw lightly

"I mean if you want" Lance mumbled face still red

The Mexican didn't need any other words, placing his lips on the young Canadians.

This kiss was longer, more passionate and seemed to have more effect on both of them, Sergio slowly pushing the young Canadian on the bed, lips still attached


"Im back!" Mick announced as he walked into his shared house and into the living room

"How was it?"

"It was good, a few people kissed so that was pretty funny" Mick chuckled

"Oh? Who, I want to know"

"Lance and Checo, Lewis and Nico"

"Wait wait wait! Rosberg and Hamilton?"

"Yeah surprising isn't it?" Mick added

"Honestly not really, with us nothing isn't more surprising"

"Hm, fair enough people wouldn't expect this"
Mick smiled

"But I don't care what people think

"Me neither because I love you" Mick smiled

"And I love you too"

Mick smiled again, pulling him into his arms and holding him close

Who is Mick's mystery man?

This chapter was kind of rushed sorry, I will try to post more but I just didn't have any ideas

I'll probably do a very short chapter based off of both of the GPS then might do some chapters focusing on couples

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