fun and games at sebs house (p2)

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There was a bit of a silence after the two men left before Lance spoke up

"So who goes next?" Lance asked

"I will because he's my teammate" replied George

"Go ahead"

"Lando truth or dare?"


"Who's you favourite teammate?" George asked with a grin

Carlos, Daniel and Oscar all looked at him with a "tell us" look

"Oscar of course" he said with a slight smirk on his face, looking at the older 2 who looked offended mouths slightly open while Oscar smirked proudly

"Okay next, Fernando truth or dare?"


"I dare you to tell us if you are dating someone"

Fernando's eyes wandered around clearly debating with himself until someone grabbed his hand

"He's dating me" Mark grinned

"I- WHAT?" Sebastian exclaimed

"And we have been dating since Mark retired" Fernando said sheepishly making everyone's jaw drop at the sudden announcement

"Oh my god!" Lance squealed causing Checo and a couple of others to chuckle at the Canadian until they saw a confused, then a "omg know I know what that was" look then disgusted look on his face

"You okay Lance?" Checo spoke up

"Nando, you do realise I can hear everything coming from your room" Lance said, making Mark and Fernando turn bright red

"What?.. oh OH! Poor Lance, not again" George said making everyone laugh at the Brit

"Bwoah, don't have to feel to bad anymore Seb" Kimi said which earned him a slap on the arm from Sebastian

"You guys were gonna find out soon anyways so It's fine" Mark shrugged

"I knew about it" Stoffel spoke up

"Me too!" Yuki chimed in

"And you didn't tell me? Rude!" Nyck exclaimed making everyone burst out of laughter while trying to look offended as he hit the Belgian on the chest

"Just shut up" He mumbled

"No! I want to know why" Nico whisper-shouted not wanting anyone to hear them

"Oh my god did you not hear me? I said shut up!"
Lewis replied growing angry at Nico

"No! Not until you tell me why" Nico nearly exclaimed but then Lewis grabbed his chin so he would be a bit more quiet

He looked up and at his face in shock, trying to read his expression and all he saw was hate, pure hate. Or so he thought

"I told you to shut up!" He practically spat a the German

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