Just another heartbreak

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Okay, so a few people said Maxiel drama so that's what I'll do but this one will be quite short, like very short so I apologise in advance.

I also may make a separate story for a Formula E groupchat so if that's something you guys would like let me know or I could just do them in this story if that's easier.

I'm also planning to write a chapter of just Brocedes and one of Yuki x Liam that I promised someone a while ago.

DAN 🦡❤️

DAN 🦡❤️
Max, we need to talk.

What's up?

DAN 🦡❤️
You, you and Nyck is what is up

Come on Dan, we both know that was nothing... i was drunk baby...

DAN 🦡❤️
Don't 'baby' me, this happens every time you and Nyck go out! You both end up drunk and you end up fucking him!!!

Dan cmon... it was a mistake!

DAN 🦡❤️
It's not an excuse anymore Max. This has happened too many times.

So... what does this mean?

DAN 🦡❤️
It means we are over


DAN 🦡❤️
I'm breaking up with you, we are done.

Daniel wait!


"I can't believe it." Max muttered as he looked down at his phone, letting the fact sink in that he has just lost his boyfriend.

Max didn't want this to happen, he truly loved Daniel. He loved his stupid jokes, his curly hair that he used to play with and those eyes that reminded him of home, somewhere he could be safe.

Yes, he cheated on him with Nyck. Did he enjoyed it... unfortunately yes. Does he regret it? No... no not really.

"What happened?" A sleepy voice called out with a Dutch accent.

That was Nyck, Nyck had been staying at Max's for a few days now after they got drunk and were found by Lewis, Seb and Nico.

"Daniel... he left me." Max sighed as he put his phone down and looked at the older Dutch man who is looking at him with so much guilt in his eyes.

"Max I.... I'm so sorry." Nyck said as he looked at the younger Dutch man with so much sympathy and regret in his tone.

"Schatje it's okay... come here." Max said with a soft frown as he opened his arms which were then filled with the brunette only seconds later.

"What will you do? Will you try and get back together?" Nyck asked Max as he looked up from him with his arms wrapped around his waist.

"No... I think I have other things and people to think about." Max said with a soft smile.

"Other people? Like who?" Nyck asked curiously.

"Other people like you."

Daniel let out a silent scream as he threw his phone against the wall, smashing the screen into multiple pieces as glass went flying everywhere.

He loved Max dearly, his little Maxie, his boyfriend, the love of his life. And he thought Max felt the same, but it's clear he didn't love him back.

"How could I be so fucking stupid?" Daniel whispered to himself as tears welled up in his eyes.

He walked into his bedroom before collapsing onto his bed as he began to sob, soaking his pillow in tears.

He didn't know how long he lay like that sobbing. It could have been seconds, minutes or hours. But he didn't know.

After a while, he managed to calm down, reaching for his old phone as he broke his new one before dialling a number.

The phone rang once, twice, three times and then..

"Hello?" Came the voice from the other side of the phone.

"Hey... can you come over? I need someone to talk to." Daniel asked, his voice hoarse and rough from sobbing.

"Of course, your place?" The voice asked.

"Yes, please." Daniel replied with a sigh of relief as he lay back down on his bed.

"Okay, I won't be long." The voice said as he began to move around his house.

"Thank you Daniil." Daniel said softly.

"It's okay." The Russian replied before hanging up.

Sorry that was short but that is part one done!

Okay, so my plan for this is maybe getting Max and Nyck together for a bit, but I could put them with others.

So, I know Daniil may be a bit sudden, but I'm thinking for this storyline I'll make Daniil x Daniel a thing, so if that's something you guys would like I can do it!

I'm currently working on the Formula E chapter but I may do two small side story's about Liam x Yuki that I promised a while ago and a day in the life at the Rosberg-Hamilton household so if you have any ideas for the Liam x Yuki one let me know! But since they are side story's they will be quite short but I could see if I can try to make them longer.

Also what on earth is going on at Red Bull? I'm so confused about the Christian Horner situation 😭

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