fun and games at sebs house (final part)

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It was around 23:30 by the time a couple of drivers began to wake up

Charles let out a yawn, but then he felt something around his waist and felt a soft but firm chest under his head. He looked down to see that Carlos's arm was wrapped tightly around him and was pressing Charles tightly against his chest.

Charles immediately went bright red and felt slight butterflies. No, maybe Carlos had accidentally done this without knowing, because he liked Lando, right?

The younger Ferrari driver decided to ignore what he felt and took his phone out of his pocket and went onto Instagram to see if there was anything interesting. Which to be honest, there wasn't, so he got bored and quickly fell back asleep

Lando had just woken up too, warmth surrounding him making him snuggle deeper into it. He felt very comfortable despite not knowing what it was and decided to take a peek.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was being tightly held by George. This wasn't the first time this has happened but Lando still couldn't help but look at the older driver in awe. He checked the time before looking around and a few pairs caught his eye.

He nearly gasped but managed to contain it when he saw the two French Alpine drivers in a deep sleep while tangled in each others arms. The young Brit wasn't surprised to be honest, he had seen the way that they looked at each other, both of the Frenchmen always sharing a look of love for each other.

He continued to let his eyes wander before his eyes caught Nico's head snuggled into Kevin's neck and beside them Valterri and Zhou were also fast asleep, the Fin had his arm around the shoulder of the young Chinese who was asleep on his shoulder.

Lando decided he should probably stop snooping at others and closed his eyes trying to get back to sleep.

The next and Last person to wake up at that time was Sebastian.

He sat up a little bit, trying his best not to wake up Kimi, which he did successfully.

Just like Lando did, he began to snoop around at the others. This time, not caring that he was looking at the others

He started by looking beside him, Fernando fast asleep on Mark's shoulder while Jenson was snuggled into a pillow at the edge of the couch.

Yuki and Mick were closely cuddled up as well, using each other as plushies and Seb thought they looked adorable. Nyck was now laying down on top of Stoffel as the Belgian had his arms wrapped tightly around the Dutchman holding him close.

Oscar was asleep with Logan's head on his shoulder. Alex was awake and still on his phone, smiling while clearly texting someone, Seb didn't know who the Williams driver was texting but he was now adamant to find out who it was.

He then looked at Max and Daniel, Max had his head buried in the Aussies curls as Daniel rested on his chest, beside him were Lando and George who looked cuter then ever with Lando leaning his head against George's chest who had his arms wrapped around the younger Brit.

Then his eyes caught the 2 Alpine drivers, who's eyes, just like Lando's went wide and had to hold in a gasp. He could of sworn the 2 hated each other, turns out they were just covering up some sort of relationship.

The last people Sebastian looked at were Lance and Sergio. He saw how Lance was sleeping on the Mexican's chest completely snuggled in, his arms wrapped around Sergio. The Mexican was doing the exact same with his arms tightly around the Canadian.

Seb decided to take a photo, as he had never seen the Canadian look so peaceful and calm, because sometimes Lance would wake Seb up to tell him he couldn't sleep due to some sort of nightmare so he was happy to see him resting so calmly.

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