Russian superhero

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Sorry about the wait, school is killing me rn and mental health isn't great 😅

I think im gonna try and get out another chapter this month, but I can't promise much.

So after i finish this little story line, I'm gonna do chapters about different ships, them going out on dates, how they met etc. And after I've done that i will start adding in the Formula E Gc!

This also takes a tiny spicy twist at the end 😂

Daniel didn't know how long he had been sleeping, he didn't even notice he was asleep in the first place.

He woke up to a knock at his door, so he quickly stood up and ran out of his room.

"Coming!" He yelled as he sprinted for the front door, nearly falling on his way before he fumbled with the lock and opened it.

"Someone needed some help?" The person at the door said, it was Daniil, the Russian was standing there in a pair of joggers and a hoodie, a soft sympathetic smile on his face.

And of course, he had a bottle of vodka and one hand.

"Just the man i wanted to see, thanks so much again for this." Daniel said with a tired smile and invited Daniil in, the Russian smiling and walking in, removing his shoes before he walked into the living room.

"So, what do you want to do?" The Russian asked as he placed the bottle of vodka down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch while Daniel locked his front door shut and joined him moments later.

"Not sure, maybe a movie?" Daniel suggested, trying to sound enthusiastic as he slumped down on the couch next to Daniil.

"You don't sound very enthusiastic about that."

"Damn." Daniel thought, "He can read me like a book."

"Well... no, I just wanted to talk to be honest." The Australian admitted with a sigh as he leaned against the pillows of his couch.

"Okay, talk to me." Daniil said as he handed Daniel a shot of vodka, which he happily accepted and drank it quickly, making a face as the bitter taste burned his throat momentarily.

"So... you know how me and Max were dating?" Daniel started, the Russian giving him a look which said 'go on'.

"Turns out, he cheated on me with Nyck." Daniel sighed

"WHAT?!" Daniil exclaimed, his jaw dropping. "Nyck?! As in... Nyck De Vries?" The Russian said with wide eyes, his jaw dropped so low Daniel was surprised it wasn't dislocated.

"Yeah... him." Daniel nodded before continuing, "It's not the first time though, i let him off the first time and blamed it on the alcohol... but the fact that it happened twice clearly means there's a reason behind it.."

"Well... screw Max! Let's get drunk!" Daniil said with a grin.

"You're on." Daniel nodded.


"Oeh! Look, the world is spinning!!" Daniel slurred with a giddy smile on his face as he pointed at the non moving roof.

"Nooo! It's not!!" Daniil giggled drunkenly.

"Ugh... what time is it?" The Australian asked as he looked at his watch.


"Uhm... it's late, should we go to bed?" Daniil asked, not as drunk as Daniel as he can handle drinks better.

"Nooo! I wanna drink!" Daniel complained with a childish pout, despite him saying he can handle drinks, he really can't.

"No Daniel, bed." The Russian sighed as he stood up, picking up the surprisingly light RB driver and tossing him over his shoulder.

"Hey! Let me down!" Daniel whined with a pout as he kicked his legs around like a child, nearly kicking Daniil on the face in the process.

"Nope, you need to sleep you drunk man." Daniil chuckled as he carried Daniel into the Australians room before literally throwing him onto the bed.

"Owieee!" The Australian pouted, acting like he was hurt but in reality he is just a big drama queen.

"Okay... you're in no state to be alone, so I'm staying." Daniil said in a tone that meant no protests before he laid down on the bed next to Daniel.


The Russian rolled his eyes.


"Can you cuddle me?" The Australian asked, pouting as he looked at the man next to him.

"Uhm... sure?" Daniil said, slightly surprised by the request but he wasn't complaining as he may or may not have a little crush on the Australian..

The Russian pulled Daniel into his arms, wrapping them around the Australian as Daniel rested his head in his neck bend, his soft lips brushing against the soft, muscular flesh causing Daniil's breath to catch in his throat.

"Better?" The Russian asked with a chuckle, trying to fight the urge to grab Daniel's chin and kiss those soft lips of his.

"Yeah... but do you know what would make it better?"


And before Daniil could process anything, he felt the soft lips of Daniel's pressing against his.

The kiss started off soft and gentle, their lips moving together in a gentle and passionate way, but after a few moments the kiss became more and more passionate.

Before they knew it, Daniel was pressed under the Russian, teeth clashing and tongues playing together, prying out little moans from the Australian. Their bodies were pressed tightly together, the Russian having one hand in Daniel's curls and the other around his waist, the Australian having his arms wrapped around Daniil's neck as their kisses continued to get more and more passionate and intense as they both let out quiet moans and groans into the kiss.

Daniil broke the kiss eventually, trailing his lips down Daniel's chin and cheeks until he was kissing and nibbling the Australian's neck, leaving little hickeys across Daniel's neck.

Daniil paused for a moment, looking up at Daniel.

"Do you want this?" He asked him, not wanting to push him to do anything he didn't want to do.

"More than anything."

Finally finished that chapter, bit of a spicy twist at the end but i kind of felt 'why not' 😂

Now, for the next chapter, i could do something a little spicy which I'm fully comfortable doing or i can just do the morning after so lmk what u guys wanna see.

I've also been working on a chapter of Max's POV which I'll release soon!

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