Imaginary Neck Kisses? Chapter 2

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When we arrived to my dads spacious four bedroom apartment, I quickly took my overnight duffle and ran up the stairs to the second floor of the penthouse to my bedroom. My room was a lavender color with a green and plum floral backsplash behind my upholstered lavender colored bed. The bed featured a fluffy white comforter with two soft purple stools at the foot of the bed but my favorite part of the room was the bay like window, that had a white love seat couch, which boasted views of the busy city that never sleeps. It was a very soft and femenine room while being mature enough for a 15 year old girl, but I loved it. 

I floped down on my bed and being that it was 9pm on friday night, my best friend, Corine, had texted me that in an hour we would video chat to talk about our plans for tomorrow night since she would be coming to the city to spend the night so we could do a girls shopping trip on sunday. I quickly texted her back telling her that I didn't forget.

"Kids, dinner is here" my dad announced from the kitchen. Every friday night we would order chinese food and gather around the rectangular glass table in the kitchen that was facing the huge floor to ceiling window that gave stunning views of the surrounding buildings on Park Ave.

"The only "kids" here are those little brats of yours, Sydnee and Olivia" my brother yelled annoyingly from his room to my dad.

"Shut up Asher" I answered with a lisp making his name sound like Asser  which I knew would annoy him.

When I got down stairs to the kitchen, my dad, sister and brother were already digging in to the delicious sesame chicken, crispy beef, rice, and egg rolls. 

"Guys, take human bites" I said playfully but of course the only person that responded was my ass of a brother saying that I always inhale my food too because thats the reason why I was "fat". I wasn't fat but i wasn't skinny. I was normal, if there ever was such a thing with todays society. 

After we had dinner, I dashed up the stairs to my room and took out my MacBook Pro laptop and opened it up to find messages from Corine. 

Corine: hey 

Corine: hello?


I rolled my eyes to see them being that it was only 10:03pm and that I was three minutes "late" to our video chat date. 

Just when I was about to click the camera button to start the vc, I heard a knock at my door. 

"Uh...come in?" I said as a question rather than as an answer. 

"Hey, Syd. What are you up to?" my dad asked from the door of my room. 

"Nothing really. I was just going to video chat with Corine but thats all" I answered thinking that he wanted to do some sort of "family activity" with us. 

"Mmhm. Technology these days" he said. "Well anyways, I just wanted to let you know that my friend Michael Strahan, from the show L!ve with Kelly and Michael, asked me if you wanted to maybe bring a friend or two and go to the show next friday"  he asked. " I think he said that some teen singer was going to be on named Cody Sampson? I think". 

"You mean Cody Simpson?!" I shrieked. 

"Ah yes. Thats the one" he responded.

"Ohmyygossh, YES!" I exclaimed. I ran over to my dad jumping up and down while hugging him saying "thank you" repeatedly. 

"Alright then, I'll let him know" he said while closing the door to my room and leaving. 

I can't believe this, I thought. I couldn't contain this information for much longer so I speedily video chatted Corine telling her what happened.

After about three hours of screaming and planning for next friday morning, I dragged myself out of my bed and took a nice long shower in my all white marble bathroom and changed into my plaid pajama pants and an oversized t shirt.

As I drifted off into a happy sleep, I couldn't help myself but to dream about Cody and that we would one day fall in love and all that sappy stuff but what I didn't realize was that my dream would come to a reality that very next week.    

Imaginary Neck Kisses? (a Cody Simpson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now