Imaginary Neck Kisses? Chapter 7

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After a few hours of resting, it was about four o'clock in the afternoon. Just when I was about to go get up and look for Corine, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Cody: 

Cody: Hey angel :) Wanna hang?

Me: How did u get my number??

Cody: When I want something, I get it ;) 

Me: ...stalker...:p 

Cody: Am not! ur friend gave it to me but if u dont want me to txt u...

Me: haha no! of course u can txt me :)

Cody: ok :) I'll b there soon

Me: k c ya

After that, I headed downstairs to find Corine and Jess in the kitchen making smoothies. 

"Hey guys" I said. 

"Hey! OMG! I heard about your little fall this morning" Jess said while laughing. 

"Oh yeah?" I asked while glaring at Corine.

"Yeah, Corine told me. You ok?" she asked with concern.

 "Yeah, thanks for asking" I responded.  

"So...when were you gonna tell me about you and Cody?" I mean, it's only been two days" Corine said. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"The pictures..." 

"What pictures"-- 

*Knock Knock* 

"I'm coming" I yelled.

I hobbled over to the door wondering about what pictures Corine was talking about. I opened the door to find a blonde girl, but no Cody. 

"Hi!" she said. "I'm Alli, Codys sister." 

"Hey! I know who you are" I said as I led her into the house. "I'm Sydnee" I introduced myself. 

"Haha. I know who you are too" she laughed. "Cody has been talking about you alot" she said. 

"Really? Where is he anyway?" I asked. 

"Oh sent me over here to tell you that he's reallly sorry and that he wont be able to make it". 

"Oh well thats fine. Now I get to hang out with you" I said smiling. 

After about three of talking about clothes, celebrities, and boys, we decided that tommorrow I would take us shopping. 

"You'll love the stores here, especially the cute botiques" she said excitedly. 

"I can't wait."

"Me neither." 

"So I'll pick you up around 11?" I asked while leading her to the door. 

"Yeah. I'm so excited!" she said.

"Me too. See ya tommorrow" I waved. 

"Bye" she said waving back. 

I shut the door and yelled "Corine". 

"Ya, I'm up here" she yelled from her room .

I walked upstairs into her room and flopped down on her bed next to her.

"Hey, so...what were you talking about before?"

"The pictures?" she asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

She pulled out her laptop and showed me an article on Us Weekly's website. The title was "Cody steps out with new girlfriend?" and it had a picture of us leaving the cafe earlier today. I scanned through the article.

"WTF?!" I announced. "How did they get all this information on me?"

"I have no clue but when were you gonna tell me about this? I mean...I am your best friend" she asked quizzingly.

"I'm not even dating him! We just got some food and I've known him for less than 48 hours" I stated

"Then why is he-"

She was interrupted by my phone buzzing.

"We'll talk tomorrow during our shopping trip with his sister" I said while walking out of her room.

I heard her yell "shopping?" but I didn't respond. As I walked into my room, I saw a text from Cody: 

Cody: Angel, i'm so sorry tht i couldnt make it :( i hope u can forgive me.

Me: of cousre i forgive u.

Cody: :) go outside on your balcony. 

Me: K?..

I opened the door to my balcony and stepped outside. I found Cody standing at the bottom.

"What are you doing out here? It's almost midnight." I asked. 

"Come down. I have something for you" he said. 

I ran downstairs and outside to the backyard near my balcony. Where was he, I thought. He was just standing here-

"Boo" he yelled while atickling me.

"S-S-Stooopp" I screamed in between laughter. 

"Only if you say you want me" he smirked.

What?!  I thought. 

I squirmed out of his grip and ran away towards the pool. Man he was fast. By the time I reached the pool, I was about to say it but then...SPLASH! 

I fell into the pool with such force, that I hit the bottom. It didn't hurt but to Cody, it must have looked painful because the next thing I knew, he was jumping in. 

When I came to the surface of the water, he grabbed me in an embrace.

"Are you ok?"he asked sounding worried while cradling my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied. 

It would have been the perfect moment for a first kiss, but instead he put me on his back and swam to the shallow part of the pool.

"So, um...theres this young hollywood party tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would go with my date" he asked blushing.

"I would love to"

 "Great!" he said in excitement. "So I'll pick you up at around 8?"

"Yeah, sure" I answered. 

"Alright then...sweet dreams angel" he said while kissing me on the cheek. 

"B-Bye" I stuttered as that sent shiveres up and down my spine.

As I went inside to the house, all I could think about was Cody. Did he like me?


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. I'll hopefully be uploading again 2nite.  

Imaginary Neck Kisses? (a Cody Simpson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now