09/03/2006."I'm ready." I walked downstairs to show my parents my outfit for school. I wanted to look extra special since it's going to be my senior year.
Mom looked over my dress and gave me a warm smile, "My all grown up." She squeezed me tightly. My father also took a glance at me and he did the same.
"Ah, I can't believe you're already in 12th grade. Isn't this exciting?" Dad gave me a kiss on the cheek,
"I'm pretty excited, although this year will definitely be more interesting than all the other years I've experienced." I quickly grabbed my bag and my lunch as well. My mom gave me a strange look,
"Interesting? How so?"
"Well, think about it...last year of high school, and I'll experience more things than ever? I'll see what will happen..." I gave them my last hug as I ran out of the house. I waited for my bus to arrive at 6:40 AM, and it arrived just in time. Once I stepped onto the bus, I saw a lot of familiar faces...some of them I didn't recognize, but that's okay. I quickly spotted my best friend, Magdalene. She saved me a seat,
"—Over here! Over here!" Maggie waved at me as I ran to her, sitting down next to hear. Maggie has been my friend since 6th grade, and we always stuck to each other for a long time. There are a few flaws about her...she constantly talks about having a boyfriend. Not that it's bad, it's just...ah...never mind.
"So? Any plans for this year, meeting new people?...getting a boyfriend?" I giggled as I mentioned about having a boyfriend. Maggie rolled her eyes at me jokingly,
"—Ah, Kris...these conversations will never get old...but of course I'll try getting a boyfriend." Maggie laughed as I gave her a slight smile. As we kept on striving conversations, the bus finally arrived at our destination: high school! The doors have opened and everybody on the bus leaped out with excitement...and boredom. I freely exited the bus as it slowly drove away, and there were so much people outside! Jocks...popular girls...everyone in every group. Me and Maggie usually are just the 2 of us. I always want to meet a new friend so we can start a group, but nobody wants to anyway. So this year, I'll start making a new friend!
"Sooo, are we gonna try finding other people to join our fantastic group?" Maggie asked me as we head inside the school,
"Yes, I'm willing to do that. However, I want to find someone as unique as us...y'know? Somebody we aren't really looking for..."
Maggie closed her locker in a shocked way, "Hmm, not as unique as us? That might seem tricky."
"Don't worry, let's just go to first class and then we'll discuss later." I grabbed my school supplies as we head to first class. Maggie had gym first, but I had science first, so we shared our farewells for now.
As we both parted ways, I looked around my advanced chemistry class and saw a few familiar faces...some of them I didn't recognize too much. I sat down on one of the desks as "Ms. Roberta" took our attendance.
"Kristina Evangeline?" She called out my name and I proudly raised my hand. She checked off my name and called a couple more people. Then she stopped at a name I've never heard before,
"Um...Sariel...Kow-letz?" Ms. Roberta called out that name and nobody responded to it. Must be an absence. I've never heard of Sariel before, he must be new apparently. As she kept taking attendance, she began her lesson,
"Hello class and welcome to-" She suddenly stopped and saw a mysterious looking person joining in. He looked...very different than what I'm used to seeing. His dark thick hair and black makeup, including with his darkened clothes really spiced his look up. Sariel did not give eye contact at all towards the teacher and the other students in class, but Ms. Roberta looked serious,
"Sariel? Is that you? You're late on your first day?" She did not seem too happy. I guess she's the type of teacher to be very strict. As she asked him that question, no response came from him and he sat down at a random desk. He quietly opened his journal up and started to doodle, and Ms. Roberta continued her lesson. It was an hour and a half later and class is finally over. What a relief. As the bell rang, Sariel was the first person to leave the classroom, well isn't he fast? I started to follow him, knowing what he's up to next. But he went to use the restroom, and that's when I saw Maggie coming from her gym class,
"Maggie! I just saw a mysterious looking guy!" I kind of freaked out since he was kind of...well...attractive.
Maggie then gave me a smirk, "Oooh, do you like him?"
"Ah! Maggie, no!...I mean- Sorta? He's just not the type I thought of liking!"
"Ooh boy...this is definitely interesting. Where is he?" Maggie looked around as I pointed to the boys restroom. But then, he came out and we pretended like we didn't see him walk by. His collared shirt...his choker...everything about him was just so...interesting. He looked like he came from a different world!
"Wow-za! He is definitely not the type I thought of! He's one of those 'emo' dudes, right?"
"—I...I think so?..." I quietly startled myself. She then turned around and gave me a large smile,
"Whaaaat are you smiling about? Do you have a plan or something?"
"Of course I do! Try talking to him...maybe he's new here and will enjoy some company, y'know?" Maggie gave me a tap on my shoulder and then I rolled my eyes,
"Fiiiine, I'm gonna go follow him, wish me luck." I gazed towards Sariel's footsteps and followed him. He then looked back and saw me, and I froze. What the hell?! How does he have such good eye contact now?! He then walked towards me, and I didn't know what to say or do. I'm scared!
"Hello." Sariel came towards me and he had a very thick accent. He gave me a warm smile as he looked around me,
" name is-"
"Kristina, I know you. You were in my science class, right?"
"Y-yes I was..." I blushed very hard. What the fuck, Kristina?! Stop blushing!
"I saw you stare at me for a few minutes during the class, so I just wanted to approach and say hello. I'm new here, so I'm not sure where to go now..."
"Oh! I can gladly help you, what's your 2nd period?"
"Math, with...uh..." He seemed to struggle with the teachers' pronunciation, so I helped him and he gave me a smile. He looked so genuine and pure, I don't seem to understand why Ms. Roberta was so rude towards him and not the other classmates in my class? I also guided him to his next class and he gave me a warm smile as I walk away...
"Hey, thank you." Sariel's hair glistened as he walked into his class. I never knew this day would come...

Mistério / SuspenseIt is the year 2006, and senior year has officially started. Kristina is about to start a fresh life at her same old school, until she meets a transferred student named Sariel. He looked different from the rest of the kids in the high school, but he...