4 years later. Humanoid City Tour.
Georg"Thank you everyone!" Bill shouted as all the fans cheered and waved at us. It was finally our last show of the tour season, and we ran into the backstage and hugged.
"Great show guys!" Our director gave us all a high fave as we thanked him,
"Oh my gosh, that was so amazing!" I hugged Bill as he gave me a hug back,
"I know, right? I never thought we would get this far! Great job guys!" Bill then turned next to Tom, whom he started to tear up,
"Tom?...are you...crying?"
"No." Tom immediately wiped his tears away as Bill gave him a hug.
"Brothers forever, right?"
"Of course." Tom smiled back. Gustav ran to us, all tired and exhausted,
"What's the matter?" I asked him, he then proceeded to hold a diary. It seemed to be Kristina's diary!
"Kristina had a diary?!" Bill exclaimed, Gustav then gave the diary to Bill,
"Read it...I think there's some information that we have been misinformed. We'll give you some privacy." Gustav then backed away as Tom and I moved back as well. What was in Kristina's diary? I never knew she had one, but I know Bill did.
"Kristina"...oh, how I wish I would never hear that name again, but here we are. I kept flipping pages through her diary and found some shocking pages. This was from the beginning of our senior year!
"This...doesn't seem right at all." I thought to myself as I read a page from her diary. It was during September of 2006, where we first started school.
"09/03/2006. Kristina.
I tried on this pathetic outfit my mom picked out for me. Fucking lame. It did not suit me at all, but I tried to be nice to her...as usual. I went on the bus and found one of my loneliest friends, Magdalene Engels. Yeah, I call her Maggie, but what's wrong with saying her full name? She kept blabbering about having a boyfriend. Do you think I care? I hopped off the bus and kept hearing her annoying conversations, I had to cut off Magdalene and I's convo (thank goodness) and decided to go into Chemistry class. I then, once again...did not care about anything what was going on, until I saw this beautiful man. I've never seen anything like it! I once felt like everything I loved was right in front of me. Sariel was his name? Oh, too beautiful...I'll try setting myself up with him. Trying to engage with him, finding out who he really is. I think he'll be the perfect type to fool. Am I right? Of course I'm right! He's just like one of us! A big, filthy liar. Hahahahahaha! I'm so glad my senior year is finally starting off great! :-)
- K.E."
"Oh my god..." I said to myself as I read that singular page. So she was the one who lied to me first? She was a psychopath too? Obviously I knew that, but all this time though? I'm so shocked. I even saw printed out blood on one of her pages and she kept sketching out 2 humanly figures...nude...and cutting each other up. She's sick! I immediately closed the diary and threw it on the ground. The boys came to check up on me and hugged me,
"I'm so sorry, Bill. But no need to worry, she's gone." Georg pat my head as I smiled a bit,
"Yeah...you're right, Georg." I turned to face him and he gave me a tight hug. I then saw Maya and Maggie, coming toward us. Maya just turned 12 years old, so I gave her a surprise cake,
"Ooooooh!! Vanilla, right?"
"Duh." I rolled my eyes as she immediately fell in love with the cake. Of course, Maggie and Tom are still together. She gave him a kiss on his forehead,
"I'll never forget this day." Tom then blushed as we all shared a great laugh. Change can be hard, but it does happen...
at least that's what I believe in.
Author's Note
hey u guyssss i hope y'all liked this book!! i'm obv gonna make more, so stay tuned w that ;) i actually had another ending planned, but i was literally in the shower & planned the ending for this book which was crazy 💀💀 the alternative ending was Kristina ending up with Georg and that's abt it?? thankfully it didn't end like that bc i felt BAD FOR BILL FOR SOME REASON... anywhoooo i'm gonna make more TH related books ofc, most of them will end up having trigger warnings, but most of them won't!!! hope y'all liked it! :)
here are sum questions yall might b thinking about from the story!
❓: Why did Kristina suddenly turned into a psycho freak?
❗️: Y'all prob didn't notice, but Kristina just acted so weird in the beginning. She just clenched onto Bill and asked him very personal questions RIGHT when they first started going out...isn't that a bit weird? She also still saw him, EVEN though he killed Ms. Kalev and attempted murder on Georg?? like what 😭 So she basically turned into a psycho bitch ig who has attachment issues.
❓: What happens to Georg's mom?
❗️: uhhh? idk lmfao 😭 i guess she's still is his mom and forgave Maya and Bill, they're definitely still her children though.
❓: Was Tom Bill's brother in this story? How come Bill said "Brother's forever"?
❗️: well... it hasn't really been confirmed whether or not they're related, but ig 4 years before they found out abt it LOL idek the exact answer to that. But we'll say they're brothers here 🤷♀️
❓: How come Georg and Bill suddenly got along so well whilst Bill almost attempted murder on him?
❗️: technically on Bill's POV, he said he didn't want to kill Georg but only to "scare" him. So idek tbh, i guess they learned 2nd chances and Georg truly believed that Bill was innocent (confirmed by Maya.)
That's about it!! :D

Mystère / ThrillerIt is the year 2006, and senior year has officially started. Kristina is about to start a fresh life at her same old school, until she meets a transferred student named Sariel. He looked different from the rest of the kids in the high school, but he...