10/01/2006.I was practicing my music with my best friend, Gustav. He plays the drums and I play the bass, but we're in need of a singer now since Tom is the guitarist,
"Yo, your new siblings are weird." Tom looked at me as he strummed on his guitar,
"I know," I mumbled, "I can't really do much to get rid of them, especially that Sariel dude."
"Haha! Sariel is a freak! I saw him carry around some sort of bible? Journal? The fuck knows what he was carrying..." Tom was laughing as Gustav tried to join in the convo,
"I've heard he likes Kristina."
"Kristina Evangeline?!" I shouted, and Gustav quickly quieted me down,
"—Yes. I saw them go on a few dates, and I know she's been your crush for several years...I didn't want to disappoint you."
"Oh my fucking-" I started to shout as someone knocked on my door. I opened it and it was Maya,
"Maya? Uh, hi? May I help you?" I nervously answered her as she gave me a dirty look,
"Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. Just to let you know..." She quickly ran off as I shut the door right away.
"Hmph, your sister's a creep too." Tom rolled his eyes as we kept practicing our music. Sariel...going on a date with my long time crush?! I mean, seriously?! I know I've been trying years to talk to her, but I honestly can't. Even with my passion for music and wanting to perform for her, nothing's ever gonna be enough. As we finally practiced our music, Tom & Gustav waved to me goodbye as they left my house. I saw Sariel look at me,
"Hello Georg." He gave me a smile and waved at me. I didn't even want to wave back, but I did.
School (Still Georg)I head off the bus and saw Tom and Gustav again. Still no sign of Sariel or Kristina, so I just walked with them,
"You see Kristina anywhere?" I looked around and saw no trace of Kristina, but Tom has a really good eye,
"Hm...oh! Wait, I see Kristina...with Magdalene." Tom smirked as he saw Magdalene. I looked at him in a confused way,
"You like her?" And he immediately shushed me,
"Be quiet!" Tom started to giggle as he kept staring at her,
"—She's so pretty..."
"Okay Tom, calm down." I patted his shoulder as he looked upset. I then walked up to Kristina for the first time in 5 years. Oh my god...I can feel my heart pounding so fast,
"Hi Kristina." I waved and then Tom nervously looked at Magdalene. The girls waved back,
"Oh, hi Georg! I remember you from middle school!" Oh my god! I can't believe she remembers me!
"You...remember me?"
"Haha, of course! I remember stealing your math homework answers and our chats...I don't understand why we haven't talked in awhile." Kristina then looked at me in the eyes. I started to blush,

Misterio / SuspensoIt is the year 2006, and senior year has officially started. Kristina is about to start a fresh life at her same old school, until she meets a transferred student named Sariel. He looked different from the rest of the kids in the high school, but he...