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In this moment, my world crashed. Nothing was more important than right now. It felt like my world and everything around me was falling into the ground as my eyes stayed glue on Daryl's. His look was one I've never seen before, let alone directed at me.

No words leave my lips as his quetion hangs in the air. My mouth opening and closing as I try and figure out the words to say to him but before I know it he lets out an animalistic growl and stalks toward me.

He grabs me roughly by my forearm and points to Keanu.

" I don't want ya' following me, ya' understand" He growls out, jabbing his finger in the air towards his direction.

Keanu glares back but his gaze fall on mine. I shake my head at him and he nods back before glaring once more at Daryl, who lets out another growl and drags me roughly behind him as he walks away

I wince at the pressure he's putting on my arm and try to remove it with my other hand as he pulls me up a set of porch stairs before opening the door and quite literally throwing me in the house.

I stumble but catch myself as I look down at my arm, it was now red from his hard hand.

" What's your problem" i growl out at him

"What's my problem?" He growls and lets out a scoff as he shakes his head

" What's your problem!" He shouts at me. I glare at him as he walks back and forth with his hands on his hips

" You show up here, walkin' around like you own the place, like ya' lived here for years! Ya' don't say not one word to me, I mean you can't even spare me one glance" He screams at me, my eyes begin stinging as the watch him

" And then out of know where you have a kid that you've been hiding" He tells

" I wasn't hiding him" i interrupted, making him scoff

"Really? Cause sure seems like that was what ya' were doing" he ask in a sarcastic tone

I glare and shake my head at him.

"You left us, you left me and now you have the nerve to show up here and act like everything is okay" he yells at me, back to pointing and shaking his finger at me

" What was I supposed to do Daryl" I finally let myself scream out as grab at the roots of my hair with my hands

He stares at me as if he wasn't expecting me to scream back. I stare at him with glossy eyes as I take deep breathes to try and calm myself but to no avail

"Did you expect me to sit around and let myself get abused by someone who was supposed to be my family, someone who cared so little about me to try and get me killed" I scream at him. His eyes gloss over as he begins to shift on his feet as he looks at me

"And I wouldn't stay one more day after the one person that should've been on my side, been there for me, chose her!" I yell, now pointing my own figure at him

" I didn't choose her" He screams taking a step towards her

"You chose her the minute you stood in that cell knowing she almost purposely killed me!" I scream louder.

His mouth closes and he stares at me with a glare. Not a glare of hate but a glare that read the emotion of sadness and regret.

"You chose her Daryl, and I chose him" i say, meaning Toby

" I will always choose him" I tell him. He says nothing but nods once, telling me he knows.

Silence hangs in the air as we both are to tired to speak. We don't know what to say, no words in this moment would ever fix what was broken between us. The only thing heard in this moment was the sound of deep breathes, as we both tried to calm ourselves.

Maybe this silence was a good thing, a needed thing. A mutual understanding between the two of us. Nothing needed to be said about it anymore. No words because we could feel what each one felt and that was enough for each of us to know.

"His name?" Daryl finally speaks.

I let out a rough breath and pick at the dirt hiding under my finger nails.

" Tobias, His name is Tobias but we call him Toby" I tell him, again he nods

" He looks like me" His voice cracks and my heart breaks at the sound.

He sits down on the clean couch and puts his head in his hands. I sigh and walk over to the couch, sitting beside him. He looks up to me and I look back. I grab his hand and hold it in my own as I play with his dirty and calloused fingers.

" He's everything like you." I tell him with another sigh

" and I won't keep you from him any longer than i should've. I know I shouldn't have left but I wasn't going to risk his safety. The minute I knew I was pregnant, he was all that mattered to me, but you deserve to know and have a relationship with your son Daryl" I tell him as I look directly into his eyes.

" I can't fix what I broke in this situation Daryl but what I can do is apologize to you because I am truly sorry" I tell him

He looks back and only nods as tears sting his eyes. I smile at him and let go of his hand and caress his rough cheek, catching a fallen tear as he closes his eyes.

"I would've came with you" Daryl says, eyes still closed

"Huh" i ask, taking my hand away.

He grabs it before it falls to my lap and takes it in his own as he opens his eyes to look at me

" I would've followed you anywhere Harlyn. I chose you that day, hell I chose you before that" he admits

I take a deep breath as I look at him before letting it out in a sigh and looking down at our hands

" Well now, choose him"

Energy --- d.dixonWhere stories live. Discover now