Chapter 1: Meeting with a Legend

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You were in the midst of scavenging for supplies in one of the ruined villages, on a mission to retrieve seeds that may have survived mass Grimm invasions.

You eventually found a container holding the seeds and put them in your backpack. Your wrist device beeped, alerting you about the incoming pack of Grimm.

You prepared to leave, but changed your mind upon hearing someone in trouble. You searched for them and saw two survivors stuck in rubble, so you ran over to them and helped them out of the rubble.

"Hide in one of the houses," you ordered.

After they hid, you pulled out a scythe with a black handle and silver engravings and spun it around a bit before stabbing it into the ground and getting ready to fight.

You saw multiple Beowolves coming at you and you sliced through a few of them before blocking an attack. You leapt backward and sliced through a few that slipped by.

You then turned your weapon into its gun mode and it became a high-caliber assault rifle. You fired on the Grimm heading toward you and you eliminated a good amount. More Grimm arrive, but some are taken out by sniper fire.

A flying red spiral came down and knocked a few back. It then turns into a girl wearing a red cloak. The girl pulled out her scythe and slices the other Grimm.

You stopped for a moment and recognized the scythe, cloak, and spiral that may be the girl's Semblance. The girl turns and shows her red and black hair, along with her silver eyes, which was all you needed to see to instantly recognize her as Ruby Rose. The same Ruby Rose that led to the ending of the War for Remnant.

Ruby: "I hope I wasn't stealing your thunder."

"I actually could use a hand in taking out the rest of these bastards."

Ruby: "Well, alright then. Let's do this."

You changed your weapon back to its scythe mode and you and Ruby slayed the last of the Grimm. Afterwards, you scouted the village and the nearby forest to see if there were any Grimm left.

"Alright you two, they're gone," you said, calling for the two kids. "You can come out now."

After they came out and gave you their thanks, they ran back to their village, leaving you alone with Ruby.

"You're Ruby Rose."

Ruby: "Yeah, that's me."

"I think every person on Remnant knows about you."

Ruby: "I guess. By the way, that's a very cool weapon you have. It's a scythe just like mine."

"Ivory Nexus? Yeah, but their gun function is a high-caliber assault rifle."

Ruby: "Still, it's really cool."

"Yeah, they've never let me down. Hey, I gotta get these seeds back to Vale. They really need them."

Ruby: "Oh yeah, I was on my way there as well. Mind if I travel with you till we get there?"

"I don't see why not. Let's go."

You left the village and headed back to Vale.

Red Like Roses (Ruby Rose x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now