Chapter 6: That's Why We're Here

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You and Ruby are on a mission to look for missing people in a ruined city.

"You would think after the war the Grimm wouldn't be too much of a problem."

Ruby: "Well, there are fewer Grimm than there were years ago."

"Yeah, but they still cause lots of people trouble. Like, 'cause some scavengers to hide in whatever ruined building looks more sturdy than the others."

Ruby: "I get what you're saying, but, like I said a while ago, that's why we're here: to make sure things get a little better."

"You're right."

Your scrolls picked up a distress signal, and the two of you followed it to a shelter with Grimm surrounding it.

Ruby: "There."

"We'll have to clear it out. You ready?"

Ruby: "Always."

She brought out her Crescent Rose and you brought out Ivory Nexus and charged at the Grimm with her. The two of you attracted the other Grimm in the area, but are ready to fight them.

You activated your weapons' gun modes they fire at the Grimm heading for you. You cut down their numbers, leaving only a few left.

"We better save our ammo," you said to Ruby.

Ruby: "Good idea."

You and Ruby then fought the Grimm and used your scythes to slash through them, and then you smashed the tip of your weapon into the ground and used it to twirl and kick any Grimm that tried to kill you.

Ruby: "That was awesome!"

"Don't do that unless you're sure you won't slide up to your blade," you said. "I had a lot of bad attempts with that."

Ruby: "Noted."

You and Ruby finished exterminating the rest of the Grimm and freed the people in the shelter. A bullhead came for the survivors and gave them a lift to Argus.

Afterwards, you and Ruby collected your pay and went to a restaurant to eat.

Ruby: "Mmm. I needed this."

"Same. Being a Huntsman is still pretty tough, especially since we're needed more than ever now."

Ruby: "No reason why we shouldn't help."

"Hey, Ruby?"

Ruby: "What's up?"

"I'm heading to Vale in a few days. If you're interested, you can come with me."

Ruby: "Sure. I wanted to visit my family anyway."

You smiled, and you and Ruby finished eating your food before leaving.

Red Like Roses (Ruby Rose x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now