Chapter 7: We Still Got the Future

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You and Ruby are in Vale, helping out people where you can, whether it be helping with the rebuilding or finding personal belongings of theirs.

Afterwards, Ruby and you went to the walls and saw the land outside of the city.

"We've been pretty busy."

Ruby: "Yeah, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are need now more than ever. The world needs to rebuild. The Grimm might not be appearing as much as they used to anymore, but they still remain, and we have to show everyone that hope still exists."

"Couldn't have said it better than myself. I can see why you led the final charge against Salem. How did you and your teammates defeat her?"

Ruby leaned on the edges of the wall and sighed.

Ruby: "Salem had two of the Four Relics that the Gods left behind. She wanted them to summon the gods so they can see the imperfections of the world and decide to destroy everything. We managed to incapacitate her and take the remaining Relics from her fortress. Soon, everyone came together and we summoned the gods. They were surprised at what happened and they were willing to walk among us and grant us magic again, but we declined and asked that they free Salem from and Ozma from their curses and let Remnant belong to the humans. They accepted and undid the curses before leaving to find another world to experiment. At least now we can decide the future for ourselves."

"I can't wait to read the book they make on you guys."

Ruby: "I feel like that's not likely to happen, but it would be interesting. I'm just glad we could manage to do some good for everyone."

"Yeah. Like my Dad said a long time ago. You can't fix everything, but if you can leave it a little better than how you found it, that's all that counts."

Ruby: "Just like we're doing now."

You nodded before you and Ruby walked away and went to Beacon Academy.

Ruby: "How long has it been since I was last here. I still feel like I'm technically not a graduate. After all, I couldn't get past first year because of the Fall of Beacon."

"Well, you fought and worked much harder than a regular student could. I think you could be a teacher if you wanted to try and re-learn the academy experience".

Ruby: "Maybe. They're still rebuilding this place after Salem had her forces to wreck everything."

"Hey, we still got the future ahead of us. Let's keep fighting the good fight."

Ruby: "Yeah."

The two of you walked, and unbeknownst to each other, you blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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