Chapter 3: Trip to Argus

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After packing up your belongings and looking at your scroll, you plotted a course to Argus and prepared to leave Hope.

"I hope they'll make it in this world," you said as you saw multiple people arriving.

You saw Ruby with a bag and she saw you after turning around.

Ruby: "Oh, hey Y/N."

"Sup, Red?"

Ruby: "Are you leaving Hope as well?"

"Yeah, I'm heading to Argus now. Reports having been coming that they need Huntsmen to help curb the problems arising."

Ruby: "Want to go together? With the trains pretty much a bunch of scrap metal, we're going to need to travel in packs for safety."

"Sounds good. Also easier to scavenge settlements quickly before Grimm come. Let's get going."

You and Ruby left the security checkpoint and walk on the path to Argus, where you come across many ruined settlements, which were enough to make Ruby sad.


Ruby kept on walking and didn't say a word, all the way up to when you set up the campsite.

"Ruby, what's wrong?"

Ruby: "When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a huntress, like the ones in the stories I read. Be the one who always fights monsters and protects the innocent. But I found out the reality of it is more messier than in the stories. When we found out about Salem, there were a lot of times I was uncertain. I've seen people give up others to save themselves. I saw people driven to the breaking point when they realized they weren't in control. There was a time I couldn't feel positive anymore."

"Yeah. When I was at Haven Academy, everything went to hell. My teammates left me for dead when the Grimm attacked to leave nothing this time. Last I heard, they were arrested in Vacuo for staling supplies and are now mining in the Dust deposits that emerged. Either way, I've been on my own since then."

Ruby: "I guess it's easier to write the story however you want than to admit the stress and nightmares it really causes."

"Yeah. Life isn't a fairytale."

Ruby: "But that's why we're here. To make sure it does get a happy ending."

"My sister had the same motto. She was a huntress as well, but the war changed her. She now operates a scavenge squad in Vale. Figured it'd be a more realistic way to help people."

Ruby: "Everyone changed in one way or another, but we're still here and fighting. That's what matters."

You smiled and looked up at the sky.

"It's getting late. We should sleep if we want to get further tomorrow."

Ruby: "You're right. Night, Y/N."

"Night Ruby."

You and Ruby went inside your sleeping bags and fell asleep.

Red Like Roses (Ruby Rose x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now