Chapter 4: Many Lessons Learned

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You and Ruby had just woken up from your rest and had finished packing up your gear.

"Ready to go?"

Ruby: "Yeah. We better keep going if we want to make it to Argus."

You and Ruby continued walking as Ruby received a message on her scroll. She opened it and saw it's from her sister, Yang.

"Is that Yang?"

Ruby: "Yeah, she just wanted to see how I'm doing. I miss her."

"I get ya, it's been a while since I last saw my sister. These days, being a Huntsman is a full-time job. I mean before, excluding Atlas, it was something you could do a your own pace. Now every Huntsman and Huntress have to take them left and right to make things better for the civilians."

Ruby: "Yeah, and before this whole war happened, there were a lot of moments where I was like 'This was not what I was expecting when I wanted to be a Huntress', and I had to face a lot even after the Fall of Beacon."

"It's reopening in a few months. Maybe after a year or two, you can retake some classes there."

Ruby: "Maybe. I don't know. I'll think about that. I better text Yang back."

She texted her sister back and put away her scroll.

Ruby: "Maybe you should text your sister. She's probably waiting for you to message her."

"Yeah. I should do that."

You pulled out your scroll and began to text:

"Hi sis, it's been a while. I'm doing fine. I met an awesome huntress and we are heading to Argus. Don't worry, we'll be safe. Love you."

After you sent the message, you put away your scroll and continued walking with Ruby. After hours of traveling, you heard a vehicle approaching and ran toward the sound. You and Ruby see a transport and wave it down.

"You two heading for Argus?" the driver asked.

Ruby: "Yep."

"Hop on."

You and Ruby hopped aboard the transport and felt glad that you can sit down after a long time.

Ruby: "We've been walking for hours. I'm glad we can finally sit down."

"Yeah. I thought my legs were going to fall off."

Ruby laughed a little.

Ruby: "At least we're going to get to Argus a little faster."


You and Ruby looked out the window and saw the city of Argus in the distance.

Red Like Roses (Ruby Rose x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now