Chapter 2: Hospital

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Tokoyami POV

As Tokoyami flew off with Hawks he saw a villain had made the ice wall.
Damn I didn't think of a better moment for the man to make a wall..
As he flew he saw a hospital so he immediately stopped at the hospital and given the doctors Hawks to be treated.

~~~~~After the battle~~~~~

(except in this au Dabi didn't reveal who he actually was)

"Damn that fucking battle was tough." Spinner said. "What can you say I mean we lost Twice, Compress, Kurogiri-well he was already gone, and Shiggy has to recover after that brutal battle..." Toga spoke sadly.
Dabi on the other hand was thinking about the bird he had fought.
"DABI!!!" Toga screamed
Dabi quickly snapped out of his trance as he heard his name being yelled.
"The fuck do you want crazy?!"
"Well for your information I've been yelling your name for the past two minutes."
"Wow I guess your little annoying child voice didn't reach my ears."
Toga groans.
"Well now it fucking is so we need your help."
Toga explains that they're going to spy on one of the pro hero's to get information. And so they can find the perfect time to strike and weaken the hero society a little bit more.
"Wow I didn't think you were a person who could make a good plan crazy." Dabi said as he teased toga.
"Well I'm gonna take that as a complement."

Hawks POV

Nrgh... The hell am I...?

Hawks opens his eyes in a hospital room with bright white lights but before he knew it hawks gets attacked with a big hug by  Tokoyami and dark shadow
"Tokoyami hey dude...!"
"Hawks you scared me! When I came to help you in the battle you were burned everywhere."
"Yeah remember I told you my one and only weakness was fire."
"Yes and sadly you were paired up with a fire quirk user. A strong one at that"
A nurse comes in and checks Hawks vitals and explained that his wings have been burned very badly and they will take around a month or so to grow back.
"Thanks nurse, but one more question before you go."
"When will I be discharged from the hospital?"
"Oh around today or tomorrow you healed a lot while you were asleep for two weeks."
"Huh so I was out for two weeks then.." Hawks muttered to himself.
The nurse walked out of the room and shortly after visiting hours had ended and Tokoyami had to leave he told Hawks he would be back the next day for his discharge with Best Jeanist.

Dabi POV

I kinda wanna see that birdie I fought with. He would be the perfect person to spy on for the hero's so I have an excuse.

As Dabi thought that as he went to the nearest hospital from the battlefield. 

Visiting hours are definitely over and I am a wanted villain so I might just sneak in like I always do to get into places!

As Dabi slowly crept into the hospital only to see one nurse at the counter so far. Dabi distracted her by lighting a fire over by the bathrooms which were all the way at the end of the hall.
As the nurse left to go see what the commotion was going on, Dabi went to the computer and searched for Hawks hospital room.
Dabi finally found Hawks room. Room number 69. Dabi ran into the elevator and clicked number 69 for one of the buttons. Dabi finally got to Hawks room and slowly opened the door to find a sleeping bird inside the bed.
"Awww...The birdie is sleeping huh?" Dabi whispered.
"You know I could easily kill you right now without a thought if I wanted to."
Dabi spoke while lighting a little fire on his fingers before blowing it out with his mouth.
The bird man shuffled around in his bed while asleep and faced his whole body towards Dabi.
"Hmm... You look kinda cute while your sleeping y'know." Dabi slowly pulled up Hawks blanket to cover the bird so he wouldn't get cold and ruffled the man's hair a bit. "I have to go it's almost sun up~" Dabi got up and walked out the door looking at the sleeping bird once more before leaving for the LOV hideout.


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