Chapter 7: The Apartment

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Dabi POV
God it's already 5:00 am... I should probably go before Hawks wakes up. I don't want him to freak out-That'll be annoying.

Dabi tried to get up but he couldn't due to Hawks arms being wrapped around Dabi's stomach and his face buried into his stomach.

Fuck this bird is too damn annoying.

Dabi slowly pulled Hawks off of him trying super hard not to wake the sleeping man. Shortly after he pulled Hawks off he got up from bed and went towards his shoes and jacket, He pulled them on one by one first pulling his shoes on then his jacket.
He left Hawks room and grabbed a bread from Hawks fridge as he did that he lit the bread on fire. After a few seconds he blew the fire out and was met with perfectly cooked toast.

Heh the secret to perfect toast is me.

Dabi took a bite and left the living room by jumping off Hawks balcony and landing feet first on the ground. He walked into an alley and went into the secret base of the league of villains.

Hawks POV
Man... I feel good after that nap. It felt like I was hugging a cloud. Now I can finish those papers wait I'm in my bed-
Hawks pushed himself off the bed to find that it was 6:30 am. He was in utter shock he didn't sleepwalk to bed right?

Wait maybe I finished my papers and went to bed..

Hawks walked into the living room to find everything in the same place as it was before he went to take a nap. The unfinished paperwork was still there. Hawks started to think he was going insane.

If it was an intruder then why would they bring me to bed? And why didn't they take anything?

Hawks wanted some air. He thought maybe he could try flying a little bit so he tried that. The only thing he could do was hover above the ground and he couldn't get any higher.

Meh at least my wings are growing at a good pace.

Hawks wore the same thing he wore yesterday a jacket sweatpants and a cap. He left the apartment and started to walk outside smelling the cold crisp autumn air burn in his lungs as he continued to walk. He decided to walk to the park he was at yesterday and stay there for a bit.


You and me (A Dabihawks story) Where stories live. Discover now