Our family - navi child

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Norm and tsutey were perfect dads towards you and gave you the love even support you needed. Home life was happy and joyful as there was always something to do, at the base or the village. There were many of the omacatayia at saw you as tsutey daughter and would welcome you into their lives and homes, but there were some who saw you a demon child and wanted you away from them and their kids. One specific incident had came up that will involve you and many others.

Y/n " ........" you were walking around the village and helping around by delivering some stuff.

?????? " y/n" you soon heard you name getting called you soon turned around and saw it was Tuk.

Y/n " hey Tuk Tuk how are you"

Tuk " I'm good I was wondering if you can come with me and my friends to the river, we want to go swimming but need a big kid or grown up with us"

Y/n " well I'm done with all my deliveries between the base and here so sure honey let's go"

Tuk " yeah hey guys y/n going to take us" soon enough a group of kids can running towards, you they were happy to hear the news.

Navi boy  " thank you y/n"

Navi girl " yeah y/n is taking us"

Navi boy 2 " I love it when one of older siblings or y/n take us they make it fun"

Y/n " well we are going to have fun but we have to remember the rules everyone, stay on eye and ear shot and be safe"

Tuk " we will"

Y/n " if we see a Thanator what do we do"

Tuk and kids " head straight for cover and stay hidden, and run we get a chance and head home"

Y/n " good now let's go" you had taken the group of kids to the river, one the group arrived there everyone soon took off but stayed close.

Navi girl 3  " no you ask here"

Navi girl 4 " no you"

Navi boy 3 " fine I will ask here umm y/n can I ask you something"

Y/n " sure what do you have to ask me"

Navi boy 3 " well our moms said you are demon child and will burn our home like yes other demons has done in the past"

Navi girl 3 " my mama said I should stay away from you as you are evil but you are not evil and very nice"

Y/n " well everyone has their own opinions and feelings about me children and they can't be changed easily"

Navi girl 4 " my dad said Tsu'tey had done a horrible things by taking you as his daughter"

Navi boy 3 " why do they have to be so mean to you"

Y/n " I don't know everyone holds what happened in the past dear to their heart .... Kids you don't need worry about what your parents say you can have your own opinions about me and the other humans"

Kids " okay"

Y/n " now go play before we have to head home" the kids had nodded their head and soon went back to playing. You see watching everything from a good height and you heard something moving in the woods that made your ears go up, you soon grabbed your staff.

Y/n " kids" the children had heard you call them and soon looked at you as you singled for them to come back. They soon had a feeling they were being watched and moved slowly towards you.

Y/n " all of you get behind me...." One girl had fallen after tripping over a rock she soon looked at you, as you ran toward her and help her onto her feet. That when something came out of the giant brushes it was a Thanator, you had tossed the girl behind you and towards the group.

Y/n " run now all of you"

Tuk " no what about you"

Y/n " I will be okay run ... ahhh" the thanotor was trying to come towards you and the kids but you had stopped it, by swig the staff.

Tuk " y/n"

Y/n " run now all of you and call for help I will be out" you were hissing and growling at the Thanator as you are fighting it off, when the creatures looked at the kids you will steal it attention away.

Y/n " you want a fight I'm the one you want to be fight" the kids soon started taking off back towards the village and that when the real fight started between you and the thanotor. The fight between you and the Thanator was a hard one as you had fallen and couple injuries from the whole fight. The creature soon ledge towards you before your could do anything and soon everything had gone dark.

Hours later

Y/n " umm" you soon opened your eyes to see you were that home and before you could say anything soon four navi were looking at you.

Neteyam " you are finally awake"

Y/n " hey there everyone"

Tuk " y/n I'm so happy you are okay when dad and uncle came back with you we saw you were not moving or talking"

Y/n " I'm good now Tuk don't cry I'm good now"

Kiro " don't ever scare us like that again"

Y/n " deal where are my dads and everyone else"

Neteyam " well ...."

???? " you dare insult her character and she saved you kids lives how dare you all shame to you all" you could hear neytiri yelling and she was very mad about something.

Lo'ak " of you most know our parents,moat, and your parents found out what others have been saying about you and they are mot that happy"

Tuk " I'm going to get them and tell them you are awake and well" Tuk soon took off leaving you alone with the three sully boys.

Kiro " hey get up slowly you are hurt" kiro and Lo'ak helped you raise up from laying down, soon neteyam gave you a cup of water.

Neteyam " here drink you will need it"

Y/n " thank you" soon enough you drank the water and that when five adults and Tuk came into the family home happy to see you were now wake.

Tsu'tey " my daughter you are finally awake you are forbidden from scaring me like that for the rest of my life and your life"

Y/n " yes father"

Norm " how are you feeling"

Y/n " I'm feel okay dad some pain but okay"

Moat " you will be okay thank to the work of i and your dad you will be fine but have to careful for time being"

Neytiri " it good you are okay y/n I will deal with those Morons later"

Jake " we can talk about them later let deal with y/n now"

Y/n " what of the Thanator did anyone else get hurt helping me"

Jake " well when we got there it ran off and you were passed out on the ground"

Y/n " oh"

Tsu'tey " Jake has made an order they no one is allowed near that river for sometime until we know it safe"

Y/n " yes sir" after that day you had gained new respect from the clan after you act of bravery but not even moat could tell what was the deal with the Thanator and you. Once you were well enough to leave home none of the sully let you be alone after what happened, and become very overprotective of you so did all the other adults in your life. Soon life had went back to normal or as normal as it could be on pandora.

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