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Sam Pov

Mikaela and I walked along the flood gate bridge and stopped in front of Seymour.

"Hey, kid. I think we got off to a bad start, huh?" Seymour said, clearly trying to butter me up. Seymour placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me what would be a fatherly squeeze, but it was anything but fatherly.

"You must be hungry? You want a latte? HoHo? Double venti macchiato?" Seymour said, rattling off names of drinks in attempt to get in my good graces for his information.

"Where's my car? Where's my sister!" I cut him off.

Tom Banachek, a man with Sector Seven, Advanced Research Division, jumped into the conversation and gave me, what he assumed to be a stern look, but couldn't be sure because he was wearing sunglasses.

"Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now," Tom said.

"Okay," I agreed and I looked at the two men.

"But first, I'll take my sister, my car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down," I said smugly and Mikaela chuckled quietly to herself.

"Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like, forever," I said in a way that made it clear that it wasn't negotiable.

"Come with me. We'll talk about your terms," Tom said and he walked towards the doorway.

"Thank you," Mikaela smiled and I grinned at her before following Tom.

"The man's an extortionist," Seymour mumbled before grudgingly following after them.

"All right, here's the situation. You've all had direct contact with the NBEs," Seymour shouted, as he led me, Mikaela, the women and her friend, and the group of army men, across the cement bridge.

"NBEs?" One of the soldiers asked confused.

"Non-Biological Extra-terrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms," Seymour said.

Seymour led them through several doors till they were making there way through a tunnel.

"What you're about to see is totally classified," Tom stated.

We all walked out of the tunnel into a large square room, containing a gigantic frozen robot. All the frost covering his form couldn't hide the nasty physical appearance of him, and the fact that he was a Decepticon, and Megatron.

"Dear God. What is this?" The Secretary of Defence gasped as he looked up at the frozen Decepticon.

"We think when he made his approach over the north pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry. He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934," Tom explained.

We all got closer to him, the more details everyone could see. Like his faded glowing red eyes, his dents, the men standing on metal ledges spraying him with ice.

As I noticing that robot was Megatron.

"We call him NBE One," Seymour said proudly.

"Well, sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, but, I mean, that's Megatron," I said as I looked up at the robot.

Seymour and Tom turned around to look at me.

Seymour raised his eyebrows telling me to continue.

"He's the leader of the Decepticons," I said

"He's been in cryostasis since 1935. Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind," Tom said

"Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age, the microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars, all reverse-engineered by studying him," Seymour said and he turned to look at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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