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This is u ☝🏽I made it myself 😁

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This is u ☝🏽I made it myself 😁


Bumblebee POV

"Sam Mikaela what the hell are you guys staring at?"
y/n asked

Still no answer

"Wait why my voice sounds different?" Y/n asked again as she look at Sam and Mikaela still in shock

They're starting at her so she slowly looks down at her hand to see not actual hands instead she see her hands were grey,and her knuckles had plates of light blue steel, almost like built in brass knuckles.

She look around at her body to see she isn't human anymore but an Autobot

She smiles at me as she ran to me

I smiled at her but was snapped out of my trance when an order was screamed out by someone that sounded a lot like Seymour,

"She's one of them! Bring it down!"

My happy expression was crushed

My blue irises widened at Seymour said

I started to struggle more ferociously, even to the point of attempting to rip the helicopters from the sky.

I couldn't do such thing with such little room to move, I didn't have enough leash to rip my arms back, pulling the helicopters from the sky.

I glared at the men with the ice guns that didn't run I started to fight back, desperate to protect her.

But I felt bonds tighten as the helicopters flew me back a few meters, pulling the metal bonds tighter. I fell back to the ground, but didn't submit this time, I continued squirming and whining loudly.

I looked at her in fear and whined for help when the
helicopters headed toward her

I whined as load as I could, begging for my friends to come out from hiding and save her. They could leave me trapped in this bonds for all I cared, as long as they saved y/n.

I gave up hoping for help, and was forced to watch y/n face the humans wrath. On her own.

"Get out here y/n!" I said in my radio

"No I'm not leaving you bee!" Y/n shouted slowly getting closer me but I look up at the two helicopters flying towards her, slowly, menacingly. As the helicopters circled her, the soldiers moved into formation, circling around her with their guns pointed up at her.

Y/n flinched at all the guns pointed at her

One of the helicopters fired a metal rope at her, and it wrapped around her wrist.

Y/n panicked as swung around and gripped the rope with her other hand and pulled down as hard as she could.

The helicopter was wrenched from the sky

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