Ch 7

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Bumblebee drove straight into a cloud of dust and turned on his radio, playing some background music. the police car still hot on his tail

"Go, go, go, go!" Sam screamed

"This is fun!" I yelled as Bumblebee sped up.

"Y/n you're insane!" Mikaela screamed at me

I laughed

Bumblebee quickly turned down into an abandoned warehouses trying to lose the cop car.

"Oh, God! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!!!" Mikaela screamed, looking out the window to see the cop car still chasing them.

"No, we're not. No, we're not gonna die," Sam yelled

"Oh my god!" Mikaela cried.

"Trust me. He's a kick-ass driver!" I said and Bumblebee revved happily at the compliment.

Bumblebee changed it's directions and drove straight at one of the warehouses windows.

"Oh, my God! No! We're gonna die!" Sam screamed.

Bumblebee drove faster and jumped through the window, shattering it into pieces.

"Yes Bumblebee Faster!" I screamed

"Sam your sister's insane!" Mikaela screamed.

"I know!" Sam yelled back.

police car jumped through the broken window and followed them through the warehouse.

Bumblebee through the warehouse, crashing through things, as he knocking walls over.

He quickly did speedy U-turn and Mikaela screamed,
"Oh my god!"

The police car did the same and bumblebee sped out of the warehouse.

He drove down the empty street and backed up into an empty, dead end, alley way.

Suddenly Bumblebee locking us in.

"We're locked in," Sam said as he was trying to start the car but it wouldn't budge.

"The car won't start. At least we ditched the monster, right?" Sam said.

the police car slowly passed us but it stopped.

"Sam, what the hell you jinx us!" I hissed

we watched the car keys turn on their own

"Okay Time to go," Sam whispered.

Bumblebee tires screeched, telling the police car where we were, and he sped forward past the police car, and down the street. But the cop car was still chasing us.

I noticed bumblebee drove into an empty field and did a quickly half U-turn and the door opened, throwing me, Sam, and Mikaela out onto the field.

I looked up as bumblebee transformed it's into a humanoid robot.

I look back at the police car headed towards us.

The police car transformed into another humanoid robot,

The police car launched itself at bumblebee and sent them both tumbling down the field the police car tossed bumblebee out the away.

the police car's turned around and look at us as his arms changed into sharp spikes, with spinning circular saws.

The three of us crawled backwards when the police car's walked towards us,

Then the police car opened it's chest as smaller robot jumped out and started growling at us.

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