Ch 6

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I know guys I'm sorry I been busy with stuff thank my friend help me here is the chapter


Sam and I at the police station locked up in a small room with dad sitting next to Sam.

As he explaining for the hundredth time to the cops what we saw

"I know it sound crazy but he's not lying, it just stood up," I said.

The cops glanced at me

"Just stood up. Wow, that's really neat" The cop said sarcastically at us.

"Why won't you believe us?! We have a video to prove it!" I yelled at him

"Ok kids, time to fill her up" He placed both tissues on iCup pasted towards us "And no drippy drippy"

"Are you serious?" I asked staring at the police.

"Yes, I am indeed serious. What are you rolling? A little wowie sauce with the boys?"

"No, we're not on any drugs" Sam explained

"What's these?" He showed us a pills bottle.

"Found it in your pocket" He shook the bottle and read it "Mojo. Is that what the kids are doing now? A little bit of mojo?"

"Those are my dog's pain pills," Sam said.

"You know, a chihuahua" dad explaining to the police

He sighs and pulled his coat back a bit to reveal his gun as he noticed Sam staring at the gun

"What's that? You eyeballing my piece 50 cents?" He said gets in Sam's face who looked at him with a confused look

"You wanna go? Make something happen, do it. 'Cause I promise you, I will bust you up"

Sam looked at him and whispered, "Are you on drugs?"

I chuckle

He glared at me. I glare right back at him

There are no more questions for us officer I said glared at him

"You're free to go," He said.

Sam and I got up and left as we walked outside to
Dad car.

Dad drove us home as he had work leaving Sam and I at home.

I sat down on a chair eating my cereal watching the news in the kitchen.

Sam walks in "Morning, Mojo, Morning y/n".

"Good morning," I said taking another spoonful of my cereal

He opened the fridge and got out the gallon of milk

Mojo started barking, annoying  Sam and I

Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please?
"C'mon Mojo stop with the barking. It's too early, He looked out the window just as the sound of a familiar engine came through

I stopped eating my cereal and looked up at Sam not believing what you were hearing "Is that...?" Sam turned around and dropped the milk, totally freaking out and running to the phone.

"Sam don't you dare call the cops again!" I yelled

"Miles, listen! Our car, it stole itself, okay? Satan's Camaro, in our yard. It's stalking us...!" Sam said hung up the phone and ran out the door, I following close behind.

"Hey, where are you going!" I asked

"We need to get out of here!" He grabbed mom pink bike and I grabbed dad bike peddling behind him down the sidewalk.

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