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i have read the comments and i get it the sadness is sad


also play the music above when i say toooooo

Y/n's POV 


How could she do this? We were all happy , together , why would she go and be so reckless? 

Me , Mai and Tengen rushed through the forest to be faced with my worst nightmare. She was my student , my deciple , my... my... 

My daughter. 

She was my daughter and now she's dead, her undone hair collecting mud, and her face plastered with a small smile , like she was happy to be leaving. 

But I'm not happy. 

I kneel down at her side, holding everything in. I don't cry, I will never cry. This happens to people all the time , right?

"Y/n..." Tengen says softly. "Look up." 

I pull my eyes away from Kira, only to see an ugly monster in front of me. 

"Hello Y/n, remember me?" Muzan says slyly. I shake my head, dismissing the evil nature pouring out of him. 

I rest my hand on Kira's heart, trying to magically bring back a heartbeat, but nothing. I look back at Mai , and I was surprised to see him shedding tears. 

"Kira you're so stupid... so so stupid." He croaked , bowing his head. As Mai raises his head, I see a glint of anger in his eyes. He turns his focus to Muzan. 

"Oh dear child , was she your friend? Friends are only temporary , you should really be thanking me." Muzan taunted. 

Me and Tengen were observing the situation. If Muzan was going to attack, he would've done so. We would have been able to sense something, and we were ready to stop him if he did. 

"Thank you? Why would I give thanks to someone who doesn't give two fucks about ANYTHING?! Kira was kind , honest , tough and the best friend I've ever had. She loved people , and people loved her. I know you don't exactly understand , cause you are a heartless monster who is incapable of love or being loved. I pray for the day that you realize that you will forever be alone , searching for something you can't find , and by the time you realize this , you will have ROTTED away into the depths of hell you fucking MONSTER!" 

The aura around Mai began to glow a shade of blood red. He gripped his sword , dug his feet into the ground. Tengen was about to charge forward, but I stopped him.

This was something Mai had to do. 


Mai charged towards Muzan faster than the speed of light itself.  He darted around Muzan in a circle , creating a giant tornado. Even from where I was , I could tell Muzan couldn't track him. 

A giant bolt of pure white light came raging down onto Muzan. You could hear the intense cries and the sounds of the universe itself punishing the great demon lord. 

Slowly , the light faded. I took a minute to collect my thoughts , and as everything died down , all that was left standing was Mai.... 

and a pile of ashes. 

Mai collasped the ground of exhaustion and I rushed over to him. I held him in my arms, looking down proudly. 

"You shouldn't have done that you know?" I said, tearing up. 

Mai chuckled, smiling up at me. "I've been working on it ever since Kira came here." He coughed up some blood. "I didn't want... to fall behind." 

Tengen came over , carrying Kira in his arms. He knelt down beside me and Mai. 

"You did good little man, very flashy." Tengen said , winking at him. Mai laughed softly, causing me to tear up more. 

"Are you proud of me, Lady Y/n?" Mai asked, his voice becoming weaker. 

"Yes Mai, just never use that move again. You should never risk your life like that." I said. 

"Y/n.." Tengen said. "I don't think there will be an 'again'." 

I shook my head , more tears running down my face. "And we get home , we should all have a big rest." 

"Y/n" Tengen said sadly. 

"And I will ask Shinobu to do some rehabilitation training for you." 


"And everything will go back to normal and -" 

"Y/N!" Tengen shouted. He looked down towards Mai. 

"He's gone." 

I broke down, pulling Mai's cold body to my chest. How could they both do this? Was I a bad teacher? Why would they risk their lives... for me? 

Why would they both leave me like this? 

Tengen sighed, standing up with Kira. 

"Let's go home, Y/n" He whispered. 

"No." I sobbed. "My home died today. My home is gone." 


okay so you can play the music to sob with me. 

The 4th Wife | Tengen Uzui x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now