Chapter 1 - Prelude.

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Chapter 1 - Prelude.

P. D. V. (Point of view) - Lyanna Stone.

- Magnificent! - Gazing enchanted at the morning unfolding before her, Lya let her thoughts wander and dreamed as a smile formed on her lips. Today was a very special day... her 16th birthday! How she had waited for this date, she had felt a tingling sensation all over her body since early, was this how it felt to awaken the wolf spirit? In my case, wolf spirit... or was it just anxiety?

Laughing at my own thoughts, I climbed a little higher into the branches, gazing happily at the vastness of the surrounding lands. Unexpectedly, out of nowhere comes a tuft of green and yellow hair, full of dried leaves from a bush a little further on, which caused me a tremendous fright and almost made me fall out of the tree I was in.

Well, I always loved climbing the trees of the forest that surrounded the pack lands, for me it was a personal challenge, and today was no different. Among other trees, I looked for the tallest, strongest and firmest one to climb.

I felt in my heart that, from this day on, nothing would stop me and that I could certainly "reach heights". It would only depend on my determination. It would be incredible!

Just as I was about to let out a cry of victory, that tuft of colorful hair startled me.

What luck that I managed to hold on at the last minute... aff.

Laughing, I thanked the Moon Goddess Selene for having such quick reflexes, or I would have turned into a pancake.

At this very moment, the extravagant creature was almost destroying my eardrums as it screamed below the tree I was in.

- Lyannaaa... Lya, where did you end up? I've already fallen twice looking for you, you know.... Come out, please... we're already late! Your father will kill us.

- Oh! Goddess... why did you give me such a clumsy friend? - I grumbled.

Looking at my best friend in the "whole world", with her baggy bell-bottom jeans from the 70s and a neon yellow T-shirt with the words "I glow!", I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

On second thought, her presence alone made me happy, but her fashion sense certainly drove me to despair. She insisted every day that I adhere to her style, but that was definitely not going to happen.

Smiling, I climbed down the tree and shouted.

- I'm here! - With a huge smile, Anne came running, stumbling over to me.

- 'Thank the great moon goddess! Your father is sure to take our hide when we get our she-wolves.

- Exaggerated! You know he would never do that.

Well, it was true that sometimes my father got very angry with me, but being the only daughter of the pack's alpha, I was supposed to be on "better" behavior.

At least that's what he always told me. But at the end of every scolding came my apology and a tight hug from him, along with an "I love you, daughter".

Thinking about this reminds me of his entire journey to becoming the alpha he is today.

My grandfather was always very strict and traditionalist, and he decided early on that my father would be the strongest, fairest and most ruthless alpha there could be.

Of course, this "big decision" turned my father's life into hell, made him a great warrior, that was undeniable. But it also made him an unhappy person, unable to connect emotionally with anyone because, according to my grandfather, emotions only served to "confuse".

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