Capítulo 4 - Uivo de dor.

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P.D.V. by Lyanna.

When Adama began the ritual, relating, full of emotion, how the Goddess Selene gave birth to our kind through her great love for Lycanor, I was immediately moved. I thought of my parents.

I knew that my father had not yet given up hope that my mother would one day return to him.

I sighed...

- How strong true love is.And to think that soon, soon, I would be with my she-wolf.And I would also meet my wolf "destined mate" by the goddess herself, I could already feel my cheeks warm.

- Humm!... - A little chill in my belly.I looked around to see if anyone had noticed my rosy cheeks or how crazy I was, losing myself in these thoughts just then.In the distance, my father was watching my every move.Today he was more nervous than usual.

Did he have any doubt that I would do well?Or that I would turn into a she-wolf? Calm down! Did he think I'd turn into a frog out of nowhere?Laughing at my own crazy thoughts, I pushed the nonsense aside.

My mind knew I was letting myself get carried away with nervousness and anxiety.

I took several deep breaths.- 'Calm down, Lyanna... calm down!Pay close attention to Adama's instructions.- I advised myself.

I had to focus on Adama, everything had to be perfect!Today was my big one.That's it... you can do it, girl!

As the chants began, we knew we had to take the formula previously left in front of us by the neophytes responsible for accompanying us.

As soon as I took it, I felt a slight dizziness. It seemed that everything around me was intensifying: the chants, the noise of the wind.

Breathing deeply, I began to concentrate on the energies around me. At first, I felt the movement of the elements of nature, but gradually I began to notice my lower limbs were numb, and the intensity of the numbness was increasing.

I could not see; everything was enveloped in a very strong light.I felt like I was being lifted off the ground; I wanted to move, to demonstrate somehow that this was bothering me.

That's when my skin started to sting and burn. It felt like a fire was burning me from the inside out.Unable to move any limbs and feeling like my body was being torn apart, I was afraid for the first time.

This should not be happening...I remembered that Adama had initially explained that the formula everyone had taken was exactly to stop this from happening.

As if my body was absent from the scene, I heard in the distance the summons to our wolf spirits that Adama was making.- 'I, Adama, mistress of the Sisterhood of the Dawn Witches, summon your true magical forms!Unite, children of the moon, with your sister spirits and let the light of Selene shine once more upon the land.

Then I saw...Emerging from within the light, a creature in white fur, but it seemed not to have noticed me. It roared and clawed at its skin.

And it wasn't a she-wolf, at least not as I was used to imagine my she-wolf to be. It was a huge LICANTROPA of almost two meters or more in height.Oh, Goddess... what was happening?

- Pain... it's burning... make it stop.... PAIN... PAIN!

Wide-eyed, I couldn't move. Apparently, that numbness and pain I had been feeling since drinking the formula was not even a third of what "she" was feeling.

It felt like she was absorbing some of my own pain - a great deal of it, by the way.

She was roaring and her claws were bloody. But how? Was I seeing inside my mind, or having a vision, of how our bodies felt?

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