Chapter 9 - Deadly Dance.

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Lyanna Stone's point of view.

Looking at those bastards, I wondered how such despicable beings could exist.

- What's up, cutie? Did you give up playing with us? Don't worry, it'll be quick... or maybe not... Everyone burst out laughing at Juno's unpleasant comment.

- I was thinking... you still haven't told me why you're here. Was it just to have a "little mouthful" and ruin the wolves' unification ritual, or was it to please that old lunatic back there? As he spoke, Lyanna approached him provocatively, glaring defiantly at Juno.

He felt aroused by the redhead's gaze; she seemed like the kind of wolf who needed to be tamed, perhaps before he killed her. He could have a little fun. He'd leave "miss pink" to the others.

That mean-looking she-wolf was his...

- Pleasing that old dog? Never! The one I want to please is much more powerful, and she wants a certain Lycanthrope who was seen here four years ago..., but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, sweetie? The "broken" Alpha back there didn't want to cooperate. And the others, well, we'll find out after YOU and I talk.

Lyanna, by now, had gotten very close to Juno, while her men were closing in on them. Unexpectedly, Lya approached, looking intensely into his eyes, and began to slowly slide her index finger over his chest.

Juno, as if hypnotized, followed his gaze, but when he reached his groin, he saw his hand triple in size, dense hair and huge claws suddenly appear.

With impressive speed, its claw closed on his testicles, and she began to squeeze without any pity.

Screaming, unable to contain the pain, I looked into her eyes, which were red slits, more like glowing embers, and her once charming smile was turning into a jaw full of long, sharp teeth.

- Lycanthrope? A beautiful Lycanthrope... like me? - Roaring, I tore off the clothes I was wearing and allowed Mythica to emerge in front of everyone. She howled at the moon in true delight.

I was free! NOW the dance would begin.

The Vampires looked at me, showing terror and amazement, and the wolves without packs, looked at me in disbelief, and you could see from where we were that their bodies were shaking.

They had never seen a living LEGEND. And it was a LICANTROPE, an ANCESTRAL of theirs, right there in front of their eyes.

Juno was writhing on the dirt floor, roaring in pain, holding on with difficulty to what had once been his testicles, for they had been turned into "vampire ball" juices.

He got up with difficulty. But as soon as he stood, he bared his fangs. His eyes were injected with pure hatred! Stumbling forward against my Lycanthrope, as if hell itself was ordering him.

We stopped and stared at that bastard. He who had done so much harm to so many people in the pack... hurt, bled, stolen the lives of loved ones... was now squealing like a madman. A great sight to start our "dance of horror".

Mythica still wanted to tear him apart, piece by piece...

When it tried to strike us with its claws, we grabbed it and lifted it up by one arm. Then we ripped the limb from its body and threw it towards the others.

While he was screaming and cursing, some of the wolves got up the courage to attack us.

With a wave of our hand, the earth became quicksand, swallowing up four of them at once. They struggled, cursed and kept trying to get out, until their strength ran out and they drowned in the mud.

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