Chapter 8 - Bloodlust

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Raphael Stone's point of view

For three hours, that madman had been bragging about how clever he was, how superior he was to everyone present, while torturing me with his so-called toys: a variety of pliers, knives, saws and hammers.

My right eye could no longer see due to swelling. I suspected he had punctured it.

My left eye had difficulty focusing on the images around me because of the bleeding on it. I could no longer feel the fingers on my right hand because they had been broken. My left leg had a cut that started on my thigh and ended up on my calf. The blood still hadn't stopped flowing.

I was sure he had dipped that silver knife in the aconite. I felt my strength diminishing with each cut. The aconite was preventing my wolf from helping me heal the various wounds.

If the bleeding continued, I wouldn't last much longer. That bastard had thought of everything.

- Well, Raphael... you're not being a good boy. So I'm going to invite some "friends" to play with me instead. And I won't stop until you tell me where that monstrosity you call a "daughter" is. - Now he was watching and selecting some wolves from the pack to be tortured. You bastard! One of the vampires approached, his shirt was covered in huge red stains and from the sides of his mouth you could still see streaks of fresh blood.

- Liam, we've finished checking the houses, everyone from the pack is here as you said. Let's get the trucks to take them away. The master will appreciate having a few more slaves. - Liam looked at the vampire full of hatred and arrogance.

- Juno, who do you think you're talking to, you worthless vampire? I run this operation! I decide when to stop. Who gets killed, who lives... I'm the MASTER here! - The vampire looked debauchedly at Liam and started laughing.

- You really are a fool! You, the leader? You're only alive because the master ordered it. You don't run anything here, you old dog. - Liam was shaking with rage and hatred, but when he tried to approach Juno, he was slapped and sent flying to the other end of the stage.

- If you try to touch my beautiful skin one more time with those disgusting old hands of yours, I'll rip your head off, you old dog! Get on with your job! Find out where the Lycanthrope is so we can get out of these cursed lands, my vampires and the street mongrels, you've done your bit. Do yours! Get what we want from these dogs know. - Standing up with difficulty, Liam looked resentfully at Juno, but made no move to unleash his anger.

Some members of the pack were brought before me by the vampires; among them were women, teenagers, young people, the elderly and children. They were all bound and gagged, but as soon as they were in front of me, Liam removed their gags.

- We don't want Alfa to feel alone in the games. Everyone will take part. But I can be nice if you give me the information I so desperately want... WHERE'S THE LYCANTHROPE? - As I screamed, Liam hit my leg a few more times with his cane. I roared with pain! The women cried along with the children, the elderly looked at me with pride and determination. Like your Alpha, they weren't going to give up either!

Suddenly, a wolf and a vampire approached. They were carrying Adama.

- Juno, this witch almost escaped, but we managed to catch her. The other one we had to kill. But while we were killing the other one, she threw something strange into the lake. It turned red and then returned to normal. She must have sent a warning, we have to leave. - Hearing what the vampire was saying, Liam started to laugh.

- Warning? Warning? To whom? The neighboring Alphas are here... your Betas are trapped or dead. A large part of their pack is here... trapped... at our mercy! Who would she send a warning to? Or even a distress call? I planned EVERYTHING... every item... every death... every step of my revenge against these pompous, mediocre Alphas.

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